Will TML ever be balanced?

@valki I'll have what you're smoking.

"Design is an iterative process. The required number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

See all my projects:

@indexlibrorum said in Will TML ever be balanced?:

@valki I'll have what you're smoking.

I'm sorry to say it, but what you have just written is a bannable offense. Hopefully admins are gonna administer the law as it's given.

@xiaomao I will plead my innocence most vehemently.

(What rule do you mean?)

"Design is an iterative process. The required number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

See all my projects:

Not discussing drugs

whats not considered yet is, if when you miss a missile the tml gets more and more inefficient over time. its no no brainer i think. you wont have t2 mexes all over the place at this time. if the tml get scouted you build just 2 or 3 tmd in your base and your t2 expansion or. then tml will just delay lets say your t3 land and what you going to do then when titans roaming everywhere. i think its still a risky decision, which can work out very effectivly but will propably crush your game if it wont. i see it as a good option to punish t3 rushers, but i dont think im playing it on the same level as you guys. i mean i wouldnt even mind if it gets changed, but how then so it wont get irellevant?

Just buff tmd hp so they dont get cancered as easily

@ftxcommando said in Will TML ever be balanced?:

Not discussing drugs


Could be smoking anything, and technically most things are drugs so is the rule with illegal drugs? And what country and/or state law are we going with here as I'll go with sealand law

It's a colloquial expression of disagreement and incredulity at the suggestion of T1 TML. Banning would be madness

Huh, then why was I getting nagged for using the same expression. Which mods described to me as derogatory to the other person?

Well it's not polite use of language certainly. You could just say I disagree

Sounds boring

From TML discussion to drug talk.
Avoiding the latter...

TML is a little strong but nothing too unwearing, I'd say.
The overkill factor is what gets me every time, especially on Mexes.

A TML can deal more damage than a strat and leaves no reclaim in comparison.
But with adequate scouting, one could see the TML being built and prepare.

Sure, one may argue that you'd have to TMD all mexes, but the same can be said about
Nukes - forcing all players to build Nuke-Def,
Telemazer - forcing all players to build Tele-Def,
Sats - Forcing all players to shield their economy
etc. etc.

Granted, these are late T3 stage plays as opposed to T2, so I can see that being a counter-argument.

TML can also be used all the way up to the T4 stage, sniping high-value targets like game-enders and/or Exps.

Regardless, TML, when used properly is absolutely devastating.
Hard to say what can be done to 'adjust it', though.

For now, it isn't too unbearable, I'd say - just gotta see the TML being built and either defend or rush to take it out.

~ Stryker

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@ftxcommando said in Will TML ever be balanced?:

Just buff tmd hp so they dont get cancered as easily

That would certainly make tml less oppressive in high rated lobbies, esp. if you bring the currently quite shitty aeon tmd to a similar level of the other ones.

For lower rated lobbies the problem is mostly that a single tml launcher can just win the entire game by itself, if your opponents make tmd even just 1 minute too late.

It could be something simple, like making tml launchers only load at half the speed and/or have twice the cost, to make tmls way less instan-game-winning while still staying powerful.

@ftxcommando but what about MMLs? Buffing HP of TMD would also nerft MMLs, because it won't be as easy to destroy them in bunkers as before.

MMLs are already extremely bad for breaking bases, most of the time they exist to stop creeps from pushing further rather than breaking them down. If you want to break something you're better off with t3 mobile or t2 stationary arty.

T1 MML then?

  • Same range as current T2 MML
  • Reminds players of tactical missiles as threat, TML not so easily forgotten
  • DPS nerfed appropriately for T1 by reducing rate of fire, rendering it inefficiënt against TMD.

New unit and breaks the balance. Not happening.

For me, TML and SML are what forces tech level ups, not letting you to drag behind your opponent for long.

I can see many ways TMLs can be adjusted without altering them too much.
The first way, and probably the best way would be:

  • (Greatly) Increase the BP of the Structure and the BP cost of the Missile.

This will lower the effectiveness of assisting which slows down each consequent missile.
Not the BP required to build the structure itself, but the BP it has, similar to a Nuke Launcher.

Other simple options could be:

  • Increasing the BP cost of the projectile.
  • Increasing the BP cost of the structure.
  • Reduce the BP of the structure so it builds missiles slower.

Other more drastic options could be:

  • Increasing the resource costs of the structure.
  • Increasing the resource costs of the projectile.
  • Lowering the speed of the projectile.
  • Lowering the damage of the projectile.

I imagine as an overall missile theme, you'd want to keep the damage high, so, maybe reducing the damage is not the way to go.

I can see the BP being adjusted though.

~ Stryker

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)