@waffelznoob said in How come you don't play ladder?:
sive vs greed vs passive)
i agree with this too. im ~2k in 1v1 and I can only play close to full potential on 10km. Playing 15km or larger makes me feel like I'm doing a terrible job at everything. It also increases the odds of these minor interactions with potentially massive results that i was talking about earlier.
That's just personal preference though, and i do not suggest removing >10km maps from ladder.
100% agree. I really don't enjoy maps like the ditch or whatever where there's simply way too much stuff to pay proper attention to anything. Even 10x10 maps are really hard to optimize in 1v1. Playing something like ditch, painted desert, etc. (even much less egregious examples) requires a total paradigm shift in playstyle where you ignore any efficiency optimizations and choose dumb strats like spamming t1 bombers in every corner of the map or hiding random proxy bases to tax enemy apm.
I get that some people really like that kind of thing so it may never happen, but I would prefer if maps like that were not included in ladder or tournys and were just reserved for some meme custom games.
Naturally I have very similar, but opposite, opinions about 5x5 maps.