I've read about 6 topics on this question and this one https://forum.faforever.com/topic/4702/how-to-play-the-supreme-commander-campaign-offline-and-coop-maps
allowed me to launch the FAF client in offline mode and through Skirmish start a campaign game (odd, but the thread assures that's how its done). It for sure worked as I played for 20 minutes.
I then saved the game, went to make dinner. Came back and tried to load it (through the campaign menu, that's the only place where the game was listed, the thread assures that's normal too), the game crashed while in the loading screen.
Started a different campaign game. Same thing.
So, not that map or particular game.
What I am wondering is if the save file is going to the correct place? I cant seem to find where the games are saved in any of the FAF folders. Is it going somewhere it should not (such as the original Forged Alliance regular game folder)?