I'd love to see more options to mark players. Just foe
ing people doesn't really tell me anything.
Some examples off the top of my head:
I have used foe on people who have been toxic in the past but people can change and later on I can't remember or understand why i did so.
Some people I foe purely because they are toxic team players but I don't care if they are in the lobby as long as they are not in my team.
I have used foe for people who have lagged games. But maybe later they get a better isp/router or use lan instead of wi-fi etc and they are no longer a problem. But I don't unfoe them safely as I can't remember the reason.
Essentially I'm more likely to unfoe if I could recall why I did so in the first place.
Some thoughts on possible new options, I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts.
Positive feedback options:
- Friendly Teammate
- Friend
- Frequently played with
Negative feedback options:
- Toxic/Abusive
- Bad CPU
- Slow Internet
- Teamkiller
- Game Quitter
- Desynch
- Lost Conn
- Suspected smurf
Could we apply severity also? I am aware of a few players by name that I avoid at all times and at all costs.
And could the date of applying one of these be stored and shown also?
Could I apply more than one of these to a player?
Hoping we could maybe implement this and it wouldn't be a lot of work for the devs.
Further thought, from here then surely the next logical step would be a built-in notification system eg if 12 seperate players flag me across 4 days and multiple games for teamkilling then I get a pop-up on login warning me to sort myself out or I could face a ban.