TL;DR: We are only affliated with We are not affiliated with any other servers. We only endorse and support servers under the domain All threads about other servers will be removed. is an open source project. Accordingly, anyone is free to copy and adapt it for their own purposes. An example of this is the community.
As a result of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, both the Steam and GoG portals have ceased distribution in Russia. As a result, Russian citizens are no longer able to purchase a license for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. This means that it is no longer possible for those affected to play on Our license check has been discussed time and time again, but as the people in charge we will not budge from this.
As a result, we were approached by Russian users to ask if we could help build an alternative platform. We requested not to use any name that could be associated with faforever, but an independent one, which we were assured of. After it became clear that this platform would disable license verification, we stopped supporting the team. However, the team continues to use faforever branding.
Although we can understand the situation to some extent, we condemn
a) the use of faforever in any branding, as it refers to us without our consent
b) the disabling of the license check, because in the end: just because you can't buy it, doesn't allow you to steal it.
c) the resulting split in the community.
As a result, we will remove all topics related to any FAF clones, especially support requests.