v109 Update
14 small changes, including:
- Fixed a bug where underwater mexes weren't taken into account when deciding whether to go navy
- T1 bombers that force an attacking ACU to retreat should consider retargeting if the ACU still has high health
- M28Easy should prefer tanks over skirmishers (since it doesnt kite with skirmishers)
- T2 upgrades should be less likely on 5km 1v1 maps
- Improved build order on maps like Canis River (so M28 goes 3 mex instead of 4, as 4 causes it to stall power before the hydro completes)
- Fixed a bug where M28 would get the opposite result when checking if it had visual of a unit in some cases (which e.g. could lead to it suiciding units in an attempt to gain visual of a unit it could already see)
- Naval units should make use of their backup distance to retreat (so e.g. Cybran destroyers should be capable of kiting the enemy)
- Recon/OneCoolPuppy – Posting replay against M28Easy that helped me identify a few of the tweaks