The question behind this post is simple:
Should the 2v2 / 4v4 TMM-rank be used?
Since a couple of months have passed, many players now have 4 different rankings and some tournaments (e.g. the Knights&Kings-tourney) are using the highest one of them already.
I assume it's not a new information that those ranks are highly inflated simply due to the fact, that only a bunch of the pros actually play TMM (I think Blodir alrdy discussed that in a different post), allowing the other players to basically push themselves beyond any limits. Since the problem is known, I won't adress it here.
The main thing is that either a new rule gets implemented as in "you are (not) allowed to use those ranks" (which is obvsly not the right solution for the problem) or it's up to the TD to use it. But then I can see that every single person where the TMM rank is higher than the global / ladder-rank, just drops down and won't touch it again since it's just a huge disadvantage for every tourney.
As long as this post gets the attention of the TDs, I'm basically fine alrdy since then they know about the problem. Otherwise it could be a topic to be discussed, if and how it could be solved.