Get minimum amount of games necessary, then just drop down below your global rank or even lower.
Like I see literally no reason not to do that and that's the thing which is fucked up - ofc players can report, but if your t2 ACU drop at min 17 doesn't work, then it was simply a bad choice instead of throwing on purpose obviously. You also won't play games anymore in TMM once you hit the requirement, otherwise repeat the step above.
e.g. Jagged is 1800 in 4v4, I am nearly 2300. If we include global ranks as well, I'd be the same category as Yudi, farms and above Jagged. I think we all know that this is complete BS and basically forces me to derank in order to have balanced games.
Same for draft-system, knights&kings is fine since kings don't really play themselves, but the fact that I'm ranked that high is just ridiculous.
Main point is: Besides the requirement (which vary as well depending on the TD) there is literally zero reason to be/stay high ranked and not drop down 34367 points immediately and just never touch the queue again