Kings of the Leagues - 1v1 Tournaments for Silver, Gold, and Diamond Players

No problem

Ras Boi's save lives.

Terrorking registered in silver, but he is in gold!

Check in is now open, please check in on challonge or you will not be able to play.

Congrats to our winners: Zebranog is King of Silver, Nuggets is King of Gold, and Tersto is King of Diamond!


King of Silver
1st Zebranog
2nd Babel_42
3rd Karateka

King of Gold
1st Nuggets
2nd BlueFlames202
3rd Lynx_H3

King of Diamond
1st Tersto
2nd conorach
3rd Nctrls

Thanks to Inspektor_Kot and NOC_N_O_C_NOC for Tournament Directoring this event!

Players in the top 3 should contact me (Swkoll#3974) on discord for avatars and to schedule training.