There's and old mod that I used to play around whit on the campaign called "Enhanced Campaign AI" if you try to download it right now the client won't load it, throwing and "Unexpected Error" while checking found out that someone uploaded it just to test it and left out the uID as "None" which I am guessing here is the problem, besides the mod being outdated, most up to date version is v5
Looking for help whit old mod that's outdated and missing uID
The none might just be an error in the client. Older client versions read that field incorrectly. Likely the problem is something else
@sheikah Is there anyway to figure that out? mod just has the map files for the campaign, lua ,mohodata and the mod info lua, I thought it may have been that since it would seemed someone manually placed the "none" on the uID field, does the client autofill the field?
@sheikah Here it's best I showed you
name = "SCFA Enhanced Campaign AI - V3.3"
uid = "100"
version = pre-Alpha
copyright = "None"
description = "test"
author = "gregory1001"
selectable = true
enabled = true
exclusive = false
ui_only = false
requires = {}
requiresNames = {}
conflicts = {}
before = {}
after = {}
The 100 was just me testing if the client would work if I gave it a random number, originally it was just "none"
please use this format and check again:
name = "SCFA Enhanced Campaign AI - V3.3"
uid = "8D5EE6DC-77BD-11EC-8FA2-C7F6E23437EF"
version = 1
copyright = "None"
description = "test"
author = "gregory1001"
url = ""
icon = ""
selectable = true
enabled = true
exclusive = false
ui_only = false
requires = { }
requiresNames = { }
conflicts = { }
before = { }
after = { }
@uveso Alright thanks to that the client loads it but the mod itself is not working, it should change some of the campaign maps but seems it's not doing anything, guess its not implementing the map, mohodata and lua changes when it loads the campaign mission.
Thanks for the help tho