@tagada: I did a bit more testing and it seems walls on completely flat ground block basically no shots if the tank is at near maximum range, and basically all shots if the tank gets close enough to the pd. (See 15952938)
The exception seems to be the aurora, which always shoots over walls on flat ground, regardless of distance. (See 15952973)
Again, this doesn't matter on most (non-flat) maps where walls behave quite simply as you'd naively expect.
On completely flat maps, this highly range dependent behavior gives some neat strategic options. I like it, honestly.
Summary (for now?):
- On normal, non-pancake maps walling your PDs is good and works as you'd expect.
- On flat maps walling your PDs blocks shots of tanks getting close to it, so it's probably(?) still a good idea.Unless your opponent makes auroras, in which case walls do nothing.