You've not made an argument. So there's nothing really I can say in response, that presents itself as an argument, rather than statements.
"Some styling is objectively better than others".
How are you measuring that? Where is evidence for this?
Colour that goes outside of the lines is worse than colour that does not. This is not a style choice or a matter of opinion
This is only on the basis of a functional argument if functionally colouring should be within lines. Who chose the lines?
If I'm drawing a picture and then colouring it in, why is going outside of the initial figure lines bad? What if colour bleed is being used to show an energy overflow of a character.
Again your argument has no basis.
**Your adhereance to the human anatomy
Drawing a character with scoliosis because you cannot figure out proportions is worse than a character that is properly proportioned, this is not a matter of opinion. Unless of course the character does actually have scoliosis. Do you have scoliosis?**
Again this is a functional argument. I am trying to draw a human, or am i trying to draw a human with scholiosis? If I'm an artist I will draw anatomy however I like. Also what I draw is entirely dependent on what i want to achieve. For example, I may stretch certain features to accentuate certain aspects.
Anime characters do not follow proper human anatomy, their heads are too large, their eyes are too large. Does this make all anime and manga objectively bad art?
You're not presenting any objective standard here. You're not even making an argument, you are merely making an assumption that a person is trying to draw something in a specific way and has failed to draw it in that way.
In fact all you have done is within your statement made the pre-supposition that the artist is bad and conveying what they want to convey due to incompetence, and therefore the art is bad. That would be the subjective opinion of the artist who drew it, because it didn't come out as they wanted it to be.
**Your ability to convey light
You have the light from the computer and maybe the light from the ceiling. Portraying other light or incorrect reflections of the aformentioned is objectively worse than casting the light properly.**
Am I trying to achieve realistic lighting? Beyond a functional argument, what argument could be made against abstract lighting systems?
You haven't made an argument. Instead you are merely imputing that your view on how something should be drawn is de-facto the way it should be drawn. You are stating that your subjective opinion is objective fact. That is not an argument, it is just a projection of arrogance. Its not more than pretencious critics saying that "metal" is objectively bad music
And before you ask this is my last post on this opinion. Otherwise we would be derailing the thread into a philosophical discussion, that you would never admit you are wrong, even though you are wrong. You are no philosopher king.
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