2021 Fall Invitational Qualifier

I sign up for faf depression round 3 !!

The embodiment of depression...

First to sign in and the first to sign out - I no longer have time available for the qualifier.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Hello signing up pls

Ras Boi's save lives.

Sign me up, I'm ready to defeat Grimplex

FAF Website Developer

Hi Sign me up pls

Might as well give it a try- Sign me up (Ladder 1136)

Aeon pickrate intensifies

Signing up

Signing up too plz

Map pool is posted!

I have also added a poll asking if people would prefer a U1500 and U1000 section be created for future seasonal invitationals. I would create separate brackets that would just be for people under U1500 and U1000 ladder. These brackets would just be playing for avatars and wouldn't be part of the main tournament.

This qualifier is the first time there's been significant interest from the U1500 crowd. It wouldn't be a large amount of additional overhead to run separate brackets if people prefer that.

Bad poll, can't even choose between U1500 and U1000
U1000 shouldn't even be attempted imo because 99% of the people there aren't even aware they can join tournaments, only 10% of the 1% who DO know are actually interested in playing, and only 30% of those will actually show up. So might aswell keep them in the U1500 bracket.

P.S. these are real statistics, trust me

frick snoops!

Also have fun casting people rushing t2 ACU and turtling on 6 mex for 2h

open pool
see stickleback ridge
see williamson's bridge directly after it
see frozen firefight

Swkoll really enjoyed his game there last time he played so he wanted all the players to share in the glorious experience

Yeah, exactly

@swkoli what he said

Really happy to see my maps in the pool 🙂

signing up

frick snoops!