@cheeseberry said in An "Unlimited Unit Cap" Option:
Why do we accept 1% of our games to be notably worse, if adding a single line of code could change them for the better?
Who told you it's just a single line ???
If you want to change the unitcap you need to modify:
function GiveUnitToArmy()
(army brains ignoring armycap on transfering units and re-enable it after doing it.)
function UpdateUnitCap()
(logic for ShareUnitCap option)
function UnitCapWatchThread()
(This thread is watching the unitcap for GPG AI and need to be rewritten for unlimited units)
function UnitCapWatchThreadSorian()
(This thread is watching the unitcap for Sorian AI and need to be rewritten for unlimited units)
function GetAIUnderUnitCap()
(AI helper function for UnitCapWatchThread & UnitCapWatchThreadSorian)
function UnitCapCheckGreater()
(Need a new function that does not need a UnitCap to calculate % of possible units)
function UnitCapCheckLess()
(Need a new function that does not need a UnitCap to calculate % of possible units)
function CreateArmyUnit()
function CreateArmySubGroup()
function SpawnPlatoon()
function SpawnTableOfPlatoons()
function CreateArmyGroup()
function CreateArmyTree()
function CreateArmyGroupAsPlatoon()
(AI Scenarios need to know the unitcap and/or switching it on and off.)
function OnCaptured
(function need a patch for CampaignMode and captorBrain.IgnoreArmyCaps)
\units\XEB2402\XEB2402_Script.lua (Experimental Satellite System)
function OnCaptured
(function need a patch for CampaignMode and captorBrain.IgnoreArmyCaps)