Many engineers are spammed, few are a deliberate choice.
What would happen if we would increase engineers by a factor of 2, or more?
So 300 hp for UEF, 240 for Aeon, 10 build power, 104 mass, 520 energy, 520 build time.
- Expanding is more deliberate, each expansion path has a higher cost and some will not be worth that in the first few minutes.
- Defending engineers is more important
- Defending engineers is easier. With more hitpoints, attacking the engineer first instead of the escort is less likely to be successful.
- Some engineers (UEF most) can survive a single bomber run at x2
- Fewer engineers, better game performance
Some effects get better with higher modifiers like x3, but it might get out of the comfort zone of the game itself. At x3 all engineers are immune to bombers, do we want that?
UEF engineers resisting most bombs once feels good, though maybe the low hp engineers do then deserve a maneuverability (not speed) buff to help with dodging, maybe Cybran some regen?