I think "getting matched against 1300 rated players etc" is miles less annoying that getting matched against the person that beat you last game, personally!
I'm pretty new to FaF, and for me, the number one thing that would have made me more likely to stay is the 'must have' list of controls and UI mods.
I think having all the important controls bound to sensible hotkeys (build pgen, build factory, build MEX, cancel all but current build, select closest idle T1 MEX, and many, many more), plus perhaps a bunch of basic build queues for each faction's t1/t2/t3 spam, maybe even some templates for T1 PD surrounded by walls, or pgens that don't all become adjacent when spammed.
And perhaps more importantly, useful mods. I currently run:
Build range preview
Engineer alt selection
Range tester
Spread move
Specific target priorities
subtle strategic icons
transport hotkey
UI mod tools
ECO UI tools
While they're certainly not all necessary (I understand spread move will be unnecessary very soon), a bunch of them seem to really be important enough to be 'standard' for new players.
I feel a bit sorry for a new player that has to figure out all these little advantages that they can get outside of the game itself.