• Wish-A-Mod Foundation

    8 Votes
    44 Posts

    Allow a dead team mate acu to respawn from quantum gateway.

  • BlackOpsFAF-ACUs only for FAF v20

    2 Votes
    19 Posts

    After several hours of debugging, I was unable to fix the issue.
    Even after re-enabling the weapon, it only fires when aiming southwest. In all other directions, it does not fire.

    This is similar to the issue with drones: the code technically works, but the result is flawed without throwing any errors.

    At this point, only Jip can help.

  • BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed only for FAF v25

    2 Votes
    140 Posts


    thanks for reporting this.


    (fixed in next version)

  • Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)

    19 Votes
    196 Posts

    Hello everyone,
    I was recently informed that the current version of the Commander Survival Kit on the FAF Modvault is not fully compatible with the latest version of FAF.
    This means that some features may not work correctly.

    However, the upcoming new version on Github, which is currently in its Latest Development Stage, works with the current version of FAF. So If you want to play the Commander Survival Kit with the new upcoming features in early access, I recommend downloading and installing the Github version.

    Here is the Link to the official Github Repository:


    Install Instructions:

    Download the Zip File (Green Button called "Code")

    Click on the Option: "Download Zip"

    Open the Downloaded Zip File
    You should see a Folder called: Commander-Survival-Kit-main inside it.

    Navigate/Open the Commander-Survival-Kit-main Folder

    Now you should see three Folders:

    documentation mods gamedata

    The Folder documentation can be Ignored that one is relevant for the upcoming GitHub Wiki of this Mod.
    Since your are playing FAF the mods Folder is the one which is Important for you only.
    You don't need to install the two .scd Files from the included gamedata Folder and can be fully ignored as well.

    Open the mods Folder and copy the Commander Survival Kit Folder into the FAF Mods Folder.

    The official Unit Pack of this Project: Commander Survival Kit Units can be installed in Early Access as well
    It is available on this Github Repository as well and included in the mods Folder of the Downloaded Zip File.

    Start the Game and activate the Mod in the Mod Manager


    The upcoming new official version of Commander Survival Kit 1.20 is currently 98% completed.
    So it will definitely be released at the end of this Month or in February on Moddb and on the FAF Modvault.

    So stay tuned for more Updates and News related to this.
    If you need help with the Installation of the Mod from my Github Repository let me know.
    Best regards

  • HotBuild Overhaul

    18 Votes
    36 Posts

    @SiX_of_SeVeN said in HotBuild Overhaul:

    Hi @Ctrl-K any change you still have this project in mind? To add Orders to HotBuild list? I fully understand if this is not any of your priorities, just checking. Tnx.

    @Ctrl-K New Year, new chance 🙂 thanks!

  • Actions Grid Panel

    7 Votes
    8 Posts

    Hello! @czqawa mod is only a base for other mods to expand it. Right now there are Factory Templates and Enhancements extensions, plus one for debugging the game. I'm not planning adding more just yet, because I'm busy with other project.

  • ReUI

    3 Votes
    5 Posts


  • Let me tell you how to fix RK-s-Explosions Mod on the latest FAF game

    5 Votes
    9 Posts

    @JamCrumpet I'm sorry that I didn't solve your problem, but I still need to explain it further.
    As I mentioned at the beginning of my post, the latest v13 version of the RK-s-Explosions Mod needs to be downloaded from the author's github, not moddb, and not faforever. my solution is also for the problem that exists with v13, not v12.

  • AI Wave Survival Mod Information

    9 Votes
    162 Posts

    @magge here this game.log game_23906880.log

  • Updated Mods for FAF and Vanilla Steam

    5 Votes
    51 Posts

    Update: 14.Dec.2024

    AI-Uveso (v114)

    New: Platoons will now merge if engaged in combat and nearby. Fix: Resolved an issue where RepeatBuild could potentially cause a stack overflow. Fix: Fixed a bug where the BuilderName was deleted after using the AirUnitRefit functionality. Fix: Added an upgrade mechanism for Tech3 factories when the economy is fully saturated. Fix: The hover platoon former will now only be created if there is no land path available to the enemy. Fix: Fixed tactical missile not targeting Heavy Assault units from the Total Mayhem mod. Fix: Fixed a bug in attack function when a platoon unit is dead. Opt: Increased the priority of panic builders. Opt: Units constructed by panic builders will now push aggressively into enemy lines. Opt: Introduced a new former for managing Total Mayhem spam and panic situations. Opt: Units fighting near corners will now maneuver around corners if their line of sight is obstructed. Opt: The Ecomanager will no longer pause the construction of strategic missile defense systems. Opt: Strategic missile defense systems will now automatically begin construction if a nuclear submarine is detected. Opt: Updated formers specifically for the Total Mayhem mod. Opt: Added builder for transport needed and transport wanted. Opt: Engineers will now assist only if mass storage is over 50% to prevent eco stall. Opt: Naval expansions will now build a factory first instead of defense. Opt: Reduced the number of naval base builders to prevent double builds on the same spot.
  • NextGen UI mods?

    8 Votes
    10 Posts

    Ah, duh 🙂 Thank you. I figured all the hotkey options under Target Priorities were legacy options from the other mod I used.

  • Advanced Selection Extension

    11 Votes
    14 Posts

    Suggestion by @Tagada
    Version 2:

    add hotkey toggles for domain, exotic and assisters filters
  • Check out a new mod

    7 Votes
    10 Posts

    Forget Faf Develop, we need a FAF Cool branch.

  • This topic is deleted!

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • 4z0t's ScoreBoard

    17 Votes
    94 Posts

    Here's some feature I'd like to request. I'm basing these on the supreme scoreboard mod.


    So here is supreme scoreboard.
    Would be great if yours has:

    Name and Rating in the same Color. I like the color scheme like this but you could also make Name and rating in the player's color and have the background green or something for allies

    Average rating and "Team 1/" with the amount of players total and alive -> this is such a quality of life thing i cant really play without, even though its kind of redundant

    What your scoreboard has, which SSB doesnt, is that you can see income and storage at the same time. The only problem with it is that you see their amount in storage and total storage, which totally clutters the scoreboard. If you could only see the amount in storage and no total, that would be way better. Maybe Have a symbol in front of income and storage so a player knows which is which.

  • XtremWars 1.7 for all game versions

    1 Votes
    33 Posts

    Update 18.Nov.2024 (v1.7)

    removed Hydroelectric Power Generator from custom units. (was stalling eco for AI in early game) unit ualew0001 (Tech 1 Hover Tank Experimental) changed TransportClass from 4 to 3 unit ual0401 (Experimental Assault Bot) changed TransportClass from 4 to 3 unit urlew0001 (Tech 1 Experimental Deployable Bot) changed TransportClass from 4 to 3 unit url0402 (Experimental Spiderbot) changed TransportClass from 4 to 3 unit xsle0001 (Experimental Tech 1 Assault Bot) changed TransportClass from 4 to 3 unit xsl0401 (Experimental Assault Bot) changed TransportClass from 4 to 3 unit uelew0001 (Tech 1 Heavy Tank Experimental) changed TransportClass from 4 to 3 unit uea0112 (Tech 1 Gunship) added Class1Capacity = 1 unit uea0112 (Tech 1 Gunship) fixed wrong class name unit uea0112 (Tech 1 Gunship) fix values in weapon TDFGunShipMissile01_proj.bp unit uea0203 (Tech 1 Gunship) Added missing transport capacity variable (Class1Capacity = 1,) unit ueb2201 (Anti Navy Installation) fixed wrong weapon hook (wrong file) unit uea0105 (A215F Support Rev Destructor) fixed wrong weapon hook (wrong file) unit urb4401 (Tech 3 Experimental Anti-Nuke.) fixed wrong weapon hook (wrong file) unit url0320 (Scorpion) fixed wrong weapon hook (wrong file) unit urb2306 (Obelisk) fixed wrong weapon hook (wrong file) unit xsse0001 (Experimental Tech1 Spaceship) fixed wrong weapon hook (wrong file) unit uea0402 (Tech 3 Experimental Transportation Spaceship) Added missing transport capacity variable (Class1Capacity = 3,) unit ura0402 (Tech 3 Experimental Transportation Spaceship) Added missing transport capacity variable (Class1Capacity = 1,) unit dea0202 (Fighter/Bomber) fixed nil error in case the unit is dead unit xel0306 (Mobile Missile Platform) Added Effect groups table with bone lists to blueprint unit uas0203 (Attack Submarine) fixed missing MuzzleBone (muzzle_01) unit dra0202 (Fighter/Bomber) fix nil error in monitor wings unit xss0104 (Arty Frigate) fixed missing MuzzleBone Back_Turret_Muzzle01, ...02, ...03 projectile UEFTorp (Angler Torpedo) fixed physics values projectile TDFAntiShipGauss01 (Gauss Cannon) fixed physics values projectile Tech1UpgradeMissile01_proj.bp (Nanite Missile System) fixed physics values projectile TDFGunShipMissile01_proj.bp (Nanite Missile System) fixed physics values


    checked Aeon ACU (All ACUs are functioning properly)


    checked Scavenger (It's working, and the damage has also been addressed)


    checked Experimental Mobile Factory (It is by design that the Fatboy does not have a factory or a landing platform.)

    The mod is also tested in multiplayer and shows no desyncs.
    To check if the mod is in a good state, see the game.log.


    info: * Extreme Wars: Mod "Extreme Wars" version (17) is active. info: * Extreme Wars: [siminit.lua, line:595] Running from: @c:\programdata\faforever\repo\fa\lua\siminit.lua. info: * Extreme Wars: [siminit.lua, line:596] Checking directory "/mods/XtremWars"... info: * Extreme Wars: [siminit.lua, line:607] Found mod in correct directory: /mods/xtremwars/mod_info.lua. info: * Extreme Wars: [siminit.lua, line:615] Check OK. Found 1 "XtremWars" directory. info: * Extreme Wars: [siminit.lua, line:619] Checking files and filesize for "Extreme Wars"... info: * Extreme Wars: [siminit.lua, line:647] Check OK! files: 923, bytecount: 97438472.
  • BrewLAN

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    The latest version of BrewLAN is fully compatible with FAF. I've used it plenty of times.

  • Let 's fix a bug in BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed

    2 Votes
    27 Posts

    @Uveso That's the best news I've heard in a while! I will test it soon, thanks for your great work, best wishes!

  • C Request for modification unit selection. Ineed HELP

    1 Votes
    7 Posts

    @Ctrl-K Never had that problem but I suppose you are right, thanks!

    @bronedooy It is great if you want to try! If you want to learn I will gladly guide you but I will also help you actually finish it. Feel free to send me a DM if you have specific questions

    Not russian, I only know a few words (za zdarovye!) Your English is fine but if I miss something let me know

    You are right btw, lets continue in the wish-a-mod topic. I will update it soon with a proper reply


  • Advanced hotkeys

    2 Votes
    5 Posts

    @bronedooy I am working on this mod, slowly, and it will include a list of useful functions like this, so it might be added there in the future. This mod is foucsed on more overarching changes to the arcitecture of how hotkeys work though, and also has a thousand other struggles I need to solve, so might be a while until you can use it.

    I have had similar ideas however and we should be able to solve your problems seperately.

    You inspired me to make a new thread for this purpose, feel free to post it there with some more details
