info: Client version: 2023.6.1 info: Game version: 3761 info: Game type: fafbeta info: Loading custom vault path: D:/Libraries/Documents/My Games/Gas Powered Games/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance info: Mounting sounds in mod: blackopsfaf-unleashed info: Mounting sounds in mod: king of the hill info: Found mod icons in penguins icon mod, mounted at: /textures/ui/common/game/strategicicons/penguins icon mod info: Found mod icons in subtleicons, mounted at: /textures/ui/common/game/strategicicons/subtleicons info: mounting content: effects.nx4 info: mounting content: env.nx4 info: mounting content: etc.nx4 info: mounting content: loc.nx4 info: mounting content: lua.nx4 info: mounting content: meshes.nx4 info: mounting content: projectiles.nx4 info: mounting content: textures.nx4 info: mounting content: units.nx4 info: mounting content: effects.scd info: mounting content: env.scd info: mounting content: loc_US.scd info: mounting content: meshes.scd info: mounting content: mods.scd info: mounting content: objects.scd info: mounting content: projectiles.scd info: mounting content: props.scd info: mounting content: skins.scd info: mounting content: textures.scd info: mounting content: units.scd info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\adaptive_dark_liver.v0003', mounted as '/maps/adaptive_dark_liver.v0003/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\adaptive_phantom_fortress.v0002', mounted as '/maps/adaptive_phantom_fortress.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\adaptive_phantom_spooky.v0002', mounted as '/maps/adaptive_phantom_spooky.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\adaptive_setons_clutch.v0002', mounted as '/maps/adaptive_setons_clutch.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\adaptive_stress_fractures.v0002', mounted as '/maps/adaptive_stress_fractures.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\adaptive_twin_rivers.v0002', mounted as '/maps/adaptive_twin_rivers.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\ashes_of_solomon.v0004', mounted as '/maps/ashes_of_solomon.v0004/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\battle_of_helms_deep.v0001', mounted as '/maps/battle_of_helms_deep.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\bulldog_lowlands.v0001', mounted as '/maps/bulldog_lowlands.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\candy_mountain.v0001', mounted as '/maps/candy_mountain.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\corinas_hourglass.v0001', mounted as '/maps/corinas_hourglass.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\corvid-beta_mainframe.v0004', mounted as '/maps/corvid-beta_mainframe.v0004/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\crater_bay.v0002', mounted as '/maps/crater_bay.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\crimson_tide.v0001', mounted as '/maps/crimson_tide.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dark_liver_mirrored.v0002', mounted as '/maps/dark_liver_mirrored.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dualgap_adaptive.v0012', mounted as '/maps/dualgap_adaptive.v0012/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dualgap_reborn_8v8.v0004', mounted as '/maps/dualgap_reborn_8v8.v0004/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\gap_of_rohan_fixed_pathing.v0001', mounted as '/maps/gap_of_rohan_fixed_pathing.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\hollow_valley_test_range.v0001', mounted as '/maps/hollow_valley_test_range.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\hundred-pixel_death_punch_acu_arena.v0013', mounted as '/maps/hundred-pixel_death_punch_acu_arena.v0013/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\hundred-pixel_death_punch_acu_arena.v0014', mounted as '/maps/hundred-pixel_death_punch_acu_arena.v0014/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\kappa.v0031', mounted as '/maps/kappa.v0031/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\krossfire.v0003', mounted as '/maps/krossfire.v0003/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\mangrove_delta.v0002', mounted as '/maps/mangrove_delta.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\neroxis_map_generator_1.9.0_7q252yryyyrbu_aqiaiai', mounted as '/maps/neroxis_map_generator_1.9.0_7q252yryyyrbu_aqiaiai/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\neroxis_map_generator_1.9.0_m2e46sj2gwiu6_aqiaiai', mounted as '/maps/neroxis_map_generator_1.9.0_m2e46sj2gwiu6_aqiaiai/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\neroxis_map_generator_1.9.0_y4u3b7b7zg7ck_aiiaeai', mounted as '/maps/neroxis_map_generator_1.9.0_y4u3b7b7zg7ck_aiiaeai/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\nine_phantom_bunny_abyss.v0002', mounted as '/maps/nine_phantom_bunny_abyss.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\one_ping_only.v0005', mounted as '/maps/one_ping_only.v0005/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\operation_trickster.v0003', mounted as '/maps/operation_trickster.v0003/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\pantimus_iv_-_2v3.v0006', mounted as '/maps/pantimus_iv_-_2v3.v0006/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\project_mesa.v0002', mounted as '/maps/project_mesa.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\project_tabula.v0005', mounted as '/maps/project_tabula.v0005/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\salty_mule_bluff_adaptive.v0003', mounted as '/maps/salty_mule_bluff_adaptive.v0003/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\seven_bay_reef_phantom.v0001', mounted as '/maps/seven_bay_reef_phantom.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\seven_sons_of_sung_island_.v0003', mounted as '/maps/seven_sons_of_sung_island_.v0003/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\stickleback_ridge.v0003', mounted as '/maps/stickleback_ridge.v0003/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\straights_of_spasser_.v0001', mounted as '/maps/straights_of_spasser_.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\summer duel.v0002', mounted as '/maps/summer duel.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\summer_duel_8v8.v0002', mounted as '/maps/summer_duel_8v8.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\survival_5thdimension.v0001', mounted as '/maps/survival_5thdimension.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\survival_5thdimension_16_player_v5.v0018', mounted as '/maps/survival_5thdimension_16_player_v5.v0018/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\triad_terraces.v0001', mounted as '/maps/triad_terraces.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\uglytester.v0001', mounted as '/maps/uglytester.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\virus 4v4.v0001', mounted as '/maps/virus 4v4.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\x1ca_coop_001.v0028', mounted as '/maps/x1ca_coop_001.v0028/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\blackopsfaf-acus', mounted as '/mods/blackopsfaf-acus/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\blackopsfaf-exunits', mounted as '/mods/blackopsfaf-exunits/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\blackopsfaf-unleashed', mounted as '/mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\blackopsfaf-unleashed\sounds', mounted as '/sounds/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\buildrangepreview', mounted as '/mods/buildrangepreview/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\decapitation', mounted as '/mods/decapitation/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\disperse move', mounted as '/mods/disperse move/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\dooms-blackopsfaf-tpbalance', mounted as '/mods/dooms-blackopsfaf-tpbalance/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\faf-phantomx', mounted as '/mods/faf-phantomx/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\idleengineers', mounted as '/mods/idleengineers/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\king of the hill', mounted as '/mods/king of the hill/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\king of the hill\sounds', mounted as '/sounds/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\penguins icon mod', mounted as '/mods/penguins icon mod/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\penguins icon mod\custom-strategic-icons', mounted as '/textures/ui/common/game/strategicicons/penguins icon mod/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\resource rich x5', mounted as '/mods/resource rich x5/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\rks_explosions', mounted as '/mods/rks_explosions/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\souls boom-and-kablamo', mounted as '/mods/souls boom-and-kablamo/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\souls postfx changes', mounted as '/mods/souls postfx changes/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\subtleicons', mounted as '/mods/subtleicons/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\subtleicons\custom-strategic-icons', mounted as '/textures/ui/common/game/strategicicons/subtleicons/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\supremeeconomy', mounted as '/mods/supremeeconomy/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\libraries\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\supremescoreboard2', mounted as '/mods/supremescoreboard2/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\replaydata\gamedata\effects.nx4', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\replaydata\gamedata\env.nx4', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\replaydata\gamedata\etc.nx4', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\replaydata\gamedata\loc.nx4', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\replaydata\gamedata\lua.nx4', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\replaydata\gamedata\meshes.nx4', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\replaydata\gamedata\projectiles.nx4', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\replaydata\gamedata\textures.nx4', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\replaydata\gamedata\units.nx4', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\effects.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\env.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\loc_us.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\meshes.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\mods.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\objects.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\projectiles.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\props.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\skins.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\textures.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\units.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\appdata\local\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance', mounted as '/preferences/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\movies', mounted as '/movies/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\sounds', mounted as '/sounds/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps', mounted as '/maps/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'd:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\fonts', mounted as '/fonts/' info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/aeonselect.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8a728 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'aeonselect' at 5e8a728 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ambienttest.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8a868 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ambienttest' at 5e8a868 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/blackopswb.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8a9a8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'blackopswb' at 5e8a9a8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/cybranselect.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8aae8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'cybranselect' at 5e8aae8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/explosions.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8ac28 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'explosions' at 5e8ac28 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/explosionsstream.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'explosionsstream' at 5e8ad68 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/fmv_bg.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'fmv_bg' at 5e8bf38 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/impacts.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8d108 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'impacts' at 5e8d108 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/interface.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8d248 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'interface' at 5e8d248 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/kingofthehill.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8d388 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'kingofthehill' at 5e8d388 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/music.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'music' at 5e8d4c8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/op_briefing.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'op_briefing' at 5e8e698 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/seraphimselect.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8f868 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'seraphimselect' at 5e8f868 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uaa.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8f9a8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uaa' at 5e8f9a8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uaadestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8fae8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uaadestroy' at 5e8fae8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uaaweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8fc28 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uaaweapon' at 5e8fc28 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uab.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8fd68 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uab' at 5e8fd68 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ual.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8fea8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ual' at 5e8fea8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ualdestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8ffe8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ualdestroy' at 5e8ffe8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ualweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e90128 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ualweapon' at 5e90128 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uas.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e90268 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uas' at 5e90268 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uasdestroy.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uasdestroy' at 5e903a8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uasweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e91578 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uasweapon' at 5e91578 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uea.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e916b8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uea' at 5e916b8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueadestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e917f8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueadestroy' at 5e917f8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueaweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e91938 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueaweapon' at 5e91938 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueb.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e91a78 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueb' at 5e91a78 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uefselect.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e91bb8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uefselect' at 5e91bb8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uel.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e91cf8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uel' at 5e91cf8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueldestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e91e38 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueldestroy' at 5e91e38 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uelweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e91f78 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uelweapon' at 5e91f78 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ues.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e920b8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ues' at 5e920b8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uesdestroy.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uesdestroy' at 5e921f8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uesweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e933c8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uesweapon' at 5e933c8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/unitrumble.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e93508 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'unitrumble' at 5e93508 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/unitsglobal.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e93648 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'unitsglobal' at 5e93648 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ura.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e93788 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ura' at 5e93788 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uradestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e938c8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uradestroy' at 5e938c8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uraweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e93a08 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uraweapon' at 5e93a08 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urb.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e93b48 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urb' at 5e93b48 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/url.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e93c88 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'url' at 5e93c88 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urldestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e93dc8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urldestroy' at 5e93dc8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urlweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e93f08 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urlweapon' at 5e93f08 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urs.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e94048 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urs' at 5e94048 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ursdestroy.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ursdestroy' at 5e94188 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ursstream.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ursstream' at 5e95358 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ursweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e96528 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ursweapon' at 5e96528 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xaa_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e96668 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xaa_weapon' at 5e96668 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xab.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e967a8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xab' at 5e967a8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xal.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e968e8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xal' at 5e968e8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xal_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e96a28 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xal_weapon' at 5e96a28 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xas.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e96b68 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xas' at 5e96b68 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xas_weapons.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e96ca8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xas_weapons' at 5e96ca8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xea.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e96de8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xea' at 5e96de8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xea_weapons.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e96f28 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xea_weapons' at 5e96f28 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xeb.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e97068 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xeb' at 5e97068 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xel.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e971a8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xel' at 5e971a8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xel_weapons.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e972e8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xel_weapons' at 5e972e8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xes.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e97428 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xes' at 5e97428 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xes_destroy.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xes_destroy' at 5e97568 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xes_weapons.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e98738 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xes_weapons' at 5e98738 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xra.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e98878 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xra' at 5e98878 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xra_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e989b8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xra_weapon' at 5e989b8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrb.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e98af8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrb' at 5e98af8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrl.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e98c38 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrl' at 5e98c38 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrl_stream.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrl_stream' at 5e98d78 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrl_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e99f48 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrl_weapon' at 5e99f48 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrs.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9a088 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrs' at 5e9a088 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrs_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9a1c8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrs_weapon' at 5e9a1c8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsa.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9a308 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsa' at 5e9a308 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsa_destroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9a448 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsa_destroy' at 5e9a448 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsa_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9a588 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsa_weapon' at 5e9a588 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsb.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9a6c8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsb' at 5e9a6c8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsb_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9a808 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsb_weapon' at 5e9a808 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsl.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9a948 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsl' at 5e9a948 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsl_destroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9aa88 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsl_destroy' at 5e9aa88 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsl_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9abc8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsl_weapon' at 5e9abc8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xss.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9ad08 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xss' at 5e9ad08 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xss_destroy.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xss_destroy' at 5e9ae48 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xss_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9c018 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xss_weapon' at 5e9c018 debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ambienttest' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'blackopssb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'explosions' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'fmv_bg' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'impacts' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'interface' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'kingofthehill' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'music' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'op_briefing' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'seraphimselect' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uaa' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uaadestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uaaweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uab' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ual' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ualdestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ualweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uas' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uasdestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uasweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uea' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueadestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueaweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uel' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueldestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uelweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ues' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uesdestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uesweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'unitrumble' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'unitsglobal' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ura' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uradestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uraweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'url' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urldestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urlweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urs' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ursdestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ursstream' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ursweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xaa' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xaa_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xab' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xal' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xal_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xas' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xas_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xca' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xcb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xcl' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xcs' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xea' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xea_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xeb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xel' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xel_weapons' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xes' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xes_destroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xes_weapons' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xra' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xra_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl_destroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl_stream' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrs' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrs_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsa' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsa_destroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsa_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsb_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsl' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsl_destroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsl_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xss' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xss_destroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xss_weapon' debug: MEM: -22874416 bytes SND info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/briefings.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'briefings' at 5ec5f10 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/seraphim_language.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'seraphim_language' at 5ec70e0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x01_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x01_vo' at 5ec82b0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x02_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x02_vo' at 5ec9480 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x03_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x03_vo' at 5eca650 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x04_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x04_vo' at 5ecb820 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x05_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x05_vo' at 5ecc9f0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x06_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x06_vo' at 5ecdbc0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x1t_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x1t_vo' at 5eced90 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x_fmv.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x_fmv' at 5ecff60 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/xgg.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xgg' at 5ed1130 debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'briefings' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x01_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x02_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x03_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x04_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x05_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x06_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x1t_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x_fmv' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xgg' debug: MEM: -796091502 bytes SND info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077 debug: MEM: -796091502 bytes SND info: /replayid info: REPLAY ID: 20611540 info: adding font file /fonts/arial.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arialbd.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arialbi.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/ariali.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arialn.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arialnb.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arialnbi.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arialni.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/ariblk.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arlrdbd.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/butterbe.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/vdub.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/wintermu.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/zeroes_3.ttf info: Compiled shader: /effects/cartographic.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/frame.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/mesh.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/particle.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/primbatcher.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/range.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/sky.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/terrain.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/ui.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/vision.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/water2.fx info: SHADERS COMPILED debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8ad68 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8bf38 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8d4c8 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e8e698 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e903a8 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e921f8 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e94188 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e95358 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e97568 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e98d78 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5e9ae48 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5ec5f10 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5ec70e0 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5ec9480 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5eca650 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5ecb820 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5ecc9f0 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5ecdbc0 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5eced90 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5ecff60 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5ec82b0 debug: Wavebank prepared: 5ed1130 warning: Hotbuild key Shift-N is already bound to action "Nuke - SHIFT version" under "ORDERS" category warning: Hotbuild key Shift-X is already bound to action "Shift Disperse Move" under "ORDERS" category debug: OpenMovie /movies/UEF_load.sfd: 1 debug: Preparing movie /movies/UEF_load.sfd: 1 debug: Preparing movie /movies/UEF_load.sfd: 1 debug: Preparing movie /movies/UEF_load.sfd: 1 debug: Preparing movie /movies/UEF_load.sfd: 1 debug: Preparing movie /movies/UEF_load.sfd: 1 debug: Preparing movie /movies/UEF_load.sfd: 1 debug: Playing movie d:\games\gog galaxy\games\supreme commander forged alliance\movies\uef_load.sfd: 1 info: Starting background task "Map loader /maps/survival_5thdimension_16_player_v5.v0018/survival_5thdimension_16_player_v5.scmap" info: Background task "Map loader /maps/survival_5thdimension_16_player_v5.v0018/survival_5thdimension_16_player_v5.scmap" running. info: Active game mods for blueprint loading: info: - 1: table: 1184F500 info: - after: table: 1184F578 info: - author: Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight info: - before: table: 1184F528 info: - conflicts: table: 1184F5A0 info: - copyright: 2009 Exavier Macbeth info: - description: The ultimate unit pack, re-engineered for FAF 3680 or later info: - enabled: true info: - exclusive: false info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/BlackOpsFAF-EXUnits/icon.png info: - location: /mods/blackopsfaf-exunits info: - name: BlackOps FAF: EXUnits info: - requires: table: 1184F550 info: - requiresNames: table: 122040C8 info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - special_thanks: IceDreamer, Uveso, Softles, Nojoke185, ZephyrWarrior, Raistlfiren, Nocaps, Netjaxx info: - ui_only: false info: - uid: 9e8ee941-c406-4751-b367-e10000021000 info: - version: 21 info: - 2: table: 12204078 info: - author: Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight info: - conflicts: table: 12204050 info: - copyright: 2009 Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight info: - description: The ultimate unit pack, re-engineered for FAF 3680 or later info: - enabled: true info: - exclusive: false info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed/icon.bmp info: - location: /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed info: - name: BlackOps FAF: Unleashed info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - special_thanks: IceDreamer, Uveso, Softles, Nojoke185, ZephyrWarrior, Raistlfiren, Nocaps, Netjaxx info: - ui_only: false info: - uid: 9e8ea941-c306-aaaf-b367-u00000023000 info: - version: 23 info: - 3: table: 12204028 info: - author: Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight - Revamped 2016 by IceDreamer info: - conflicts: table: 12204000 info: - 10: 9e8ef941-c537-4811-b527-d10035800602 info: - 11: 9d8ef941-c537-4811-b527-d10035800602 info: - 12: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-e00000000302 info: - 13: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-e05800000302 info: - 14: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b368-a11100000100 info: - 15: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b368-a11100000102 info: - 16: b28243b8-28dd-4fd5-bc05-269d0ce94f4d info: - 17: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-f00000000005 info: - 18: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-e20000000102 info: - 19: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-e10000000104 info: - 1: 5048d937-4872-4e86-9f09-dd1806a0629c info: - 20: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a12345610000 info: - 21: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a11000000600 info: - 22: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a11000000502 info: - 23: 9e8ea941-c306-aaaf-b367-f00000000005 info: - 24: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a20000000502 info: - 25: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-rrrr-a20000000502 info: - 26: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab61e info: - 27: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab62e info: - 28: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab63e info: - 29: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab64e info: - 2: 9e8ea941-c506-4751-b367-e00000000302 info: - 30: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab65e info: - 31: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab60f info: - 32: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8211-a33e3afab60f info: - 33: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8212-a33e3afab60f info: - 34: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab66e info: - 35: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab67e info: - 36: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab68e info: - 37: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab69e info: - 38: 68c516fc-fe81-4b43-bb16-faec3998a01f info: - 39: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-f10000000009 info: - 3: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaab info: - 40: 9e8ea941-c506-4711-b317-e00000000302 info: - 41: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-rrrr-a20000000503 info: - 42: 9e8ea941-m306-4751-rrrr-a11000000600 info: - 43: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000011000 info: - 44: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000012000 info: - 45: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000013000 info: - 46: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000014000 info: - 4: 9e8ef941-c506-4711-b527-d00000000602 info: - 5: 9e8ef941-c507-4711-b527-d00000000602 info: - 6: 9e8ef941-c806-4711-b527-d00000000602 info: - 7: 9e8ef941-c816-4711-b527-d00000000602 info: - 8: 9e8ef941-c507-4811-b527-d10035800602 info: - 9: 9e8ef941-c527-4811-b527-d10035800602 info: - copyright: 2009 Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight, IceDreamer info: - description: The ultimate ACU upgrade pack, re-engineered for FAF 3680 or later info: - enabled: true info: - exclusive: false info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/BlackOpsFAF-ACUs/icon.png info: - location: /mods/blackopsfaf-acus info: - name: BlackOps FAF: ACUs info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - special_thanks: Uveso, Softles, Nojoke185, ZephyrWarrior, Raistlfiren, Nocaps, Netjaxx info: - ui_only: false info: - uid: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000019000 info: - version: 19 info: - 4: table: 1184F208 info: - after: table: 1184F258 info: - 1: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000019000 info: - 2: 9e8ea941-c306-aaaf-b367-u00000020000 info: - author: Doompants info: - conflicts: table: 1184F280 info: - copyright: 2022 Doompants info: - description: Balance pack to slow early-game power of BlackOps ACU teleports with increased costs, channel time, and buffed anti-teleport towers info: - enabled: true info: - exclusive: false info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/Dooms-BlackOpsFAF-TPBalance/icon.png info: - location: /mods/dooms-blackopsfaf-tpbalance info: - name: Doompants Teleport Balance for BlackOpsFAF ACU info: - requires: table: 1184F230 info: - 1: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000019000 info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - special_thanks: Original BlackOps authors and contributors. Great mod, years later info: - ui_only: false info: - uid: 5a3c7c26-7008-4516-bbde-d0000003000 info: - version: 3 info: Hooked /lua/system/Blueprints.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/lua/system/Blueprints.lua info: Blueprints Loading... '*.bp' files info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /effects directory info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /env directory info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /meshes directory info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /projectiles directory info: Hooked /projectiles/adfovercharge01/adfovercharge01_proj.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/projectiles/adfovercharge01/adfovercharge01_proj.bp info: Hooked /projectiles/cdfcannonmolecularovercharge01/cdfcannonmolecularovercharge01_proj.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/projectiles/cdfcannonmolecularovercharge01/cdfcannonmolecularovercharge01_proj.bp info: Hooked /projectiles/laserbotterran01/laserbotterran01_proj.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-acus/hook/projectiles/laserbotterran01/laserbotterran01_proj.bp info: Hooked /projectiles/sdfchronatroncannon02/sdfchronatroncannon02_proj.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/projectiles/sdfchronatroncannon02/sdfchronatroncannon02_proj.bp info: Hooked /projectiles/tdfovercharge01/tdfovercharge01_proj.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/projectiles/tdfovercharge01/tdfovercharge01_proj.bp info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /props directory info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /units directory info: Hooked /units/uaa0310/uaa0310_unit.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/units/uaa0310/uaa0310_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/uab1102/uab1102_unit.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/units/uab1102/uab1102_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/uab4302/uab4302_unit.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/units/uab4302/uab4302_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/uas0401/uas0401_unit.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/units/uas0401/uas0401_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/ueb1102/ueb1102_unit.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/units/ueb1102/ueb1102_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/ueb4302/ueb4302_unit.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/units/ueb4302/ueb4302_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/urb1102/urb1102_unit.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/units/urb1102/urb1102_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/urb4302/urb4302_unit.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/units/urb4302/urb4302_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/xsb1102/xsb1102_unit.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/units/xsb1102/xsb1102_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/xsb4302/xsb4302_unit.bp with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/units/xsb4302/xsb4302_unit.bp info: Blueprints Loading: modded files from "BlackOps FAF: EXUnits" mod info: Blueprints Loading: modded files from "BlackOps FAF: Unleashed" mod info: Blueprints Loading: modded files from "BlackOps FAF: ACUs" mod info: Blueprints Loading: modded files from "Doompants Teleport Balance for BlackOpsFAF ACU" mod info: Blueprints Extracting mesh... info: Blueprints Modding... debug: Blueprints.lua - Found (23) scripted icon assignments in Penguin's Icon Mod by EmperorPenguin. warning: Inconsistent shooter cap defined for projectile /mods/blackopsfaf-exunits/projectiles/uefclustercruise01/uefclustercruise01_proj.bp, it should match its health warning: Inconsistent shooter cap defined for projectile /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/projectiles/gargempwarhead01/gargempwarhead01_proj.bp, it should match its health warning: Inconsistent shooter cap defined for projectile /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/projectiles/artemiscannon02/artemiscannon02_proj.bp, it should match its health info: Blueprints Loading... completed: 604 original, 123 modded, and 83 preset units info: Blueprints Loading... completed: 392 original and 170 modded projectiles info: Blueprints Registering... debug: MEM: -31 bytes RULE info: Hooked /loc/us/strings_db.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/loc/us/strings_db.lua info: Hooked /loc/us/strings_db.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/loc/us/strings_db.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/adjacencybuffs.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/lua/sim/adjacencybuffs.lua info: Hooked /loc/us/strings_db.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/loc/us/strings_db.lua info: Hooked /loc/us/strings_db.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/loc/us/strings_db.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/uiutil.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/lua/ui/uiutil.lua info: /replayid info: REPLAY ID: 20611540 info: Active mods in session: info: - 1: table: 13473FA0 info: - after: table: 13473A28 info: - author: Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight info: - before: table: 13473AC8 info: - conflicts: table: 134734D8 info: - copyright: 2009 Exavier Macbeth info: - description: The ultimate unit pack, re-engineered for FAF 3680 or later info: - enabled: true info: - exclusive: false info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/BlackOpsFAF-EXUnits/icon.png info: - location: /mods/blackopsfaf-exunits info: - name: BlackOps FAF: EXUnits info: - requires: table: 13473C58 info: - requiresNames: table: 13CB4FA0 info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - special_thanks: IceDreamer, Uveso, Softles, Nojoke185, ZephyrWarrior, Raistlfiren, Nocaps, Netjaxx info: - ui_only: false info: - uid: 9e8ee941-c406-4751-b367-e10000021000 info: - version: 21 info: - 2: table: 13CB4C30 info: - author: Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight info: - conflicts: table: 13CB4CD0 info: - copyright: 2009 Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight info: - description: The ultimate unit pack, re-engineered for FAF 3680 or later info: - enabled: true info: - exclusive: false info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed/icon.bmp info: - location: /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed info: - name: BlackOps FAF: Unleashed info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - special_thanks: IceDreamer, Uveso, Softles, Nojoke185, ZephyrWarrior, Raistlfiren, Nocaps, Netjaxx info: - ui_only: false info: - uid: 9e8ea941-c306-aaaf-b367-u00000023000 info: - version: 23 info: - 3: table: 13CB4CF8 info: - author: Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight - Revamped 2016 by IceDreamer info: - conflicts: table: 13CB4D98 info: - 10: 9e8ef941-c537-4811-b527-d10035800602 info: - 11: 9d8ef941-c537-4811-b527-d10035800602 info: - 12: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-e00000000302 info: - 13: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-e05800000302 info: - 14: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b368-a11100000100 info: - 15: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b368-a11100000102 info: - 16: b28243b8-28dd-4fd5-bc05-269d0ce94f4d info: - 17: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-f00000000005 info: - 18: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-e20000000102 info: - 19: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-e10000000104 info: - 1: 5048d937-4872-4e86-9f09-dd1806a0629c info: - 20: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a12345610000 info: - 21: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a11000000600 info: - 22: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a11000000502 info: - 23: 9e8ea941-c306-aaaf-b367-f00000000005 info: - 24: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a20000000502 info: - 25: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-rrrr-a20000000502 info: - 26: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab61e info: - 27: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab62e info: - 28: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab63e info: - 29: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab64e info: - 2: 9e8ea941-c506-4751-b367-e00000000302 info: - 30: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab65e info: - 31: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab60f info: - 32: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8211-a33e3afab60f info: - 33: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8212-a33e3afab60f info: - 34: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab66e info: - 35: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab67e info: - 36: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab68e info: - 37: 10497e5a-a404-4bb7-8251-a33e3afab69e info: - 38: 68c516fc-fe81-4b43-bb16-faec3998a01f info: - 39: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-f10000000009 info: - 3: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaab info: - 40: 9e8ea941-c506-4711-b317-e00000000302 info: - 41: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-rrrr-a20000000503 info: - 42: 9e8ea941-m306-4751-rrrr-a11000000600 info: - 43: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000011000 info: - 44: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000012000 info: - 45: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000013000 info: - 46: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000014000 info: - 4: 9e8ef941-c506-4711-b527-d00000000602 info: - 5: 9e8ef941-c507-4711-b527-d00000000602 info: - 6: 9e8ef941-c806-4711-b527-d00000000602 info: - 7: 9e8ef941-c816-4711-b527-d00000000602 info: - 8: 9e8ef941-c507-4811-b527-d10035800602 info: - 9: 9e8ef941-c527-4811-b527-d10035800602 info: - copyright: 2009 Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight, IceDreamer info: - description: The ultimate ACU upgrade pack, re-engineered for FAF 3680 or later info: - enabled: true info: - exclusive: false info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/BlackOpsFAF-ACUs/icon.png info: - location: /mods/blackopsfaf-acus info: - name: BlackOps FAF: ACUs info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - special_thanks: Uveso, Softles, Nojoke185, ZephyrWarrior, Raistlfiren, Nocaps, Netjaxx info: - ui_only: false info: - uid: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000019000 info: - version: 19 info: - 4: table: 13CB4E88 info: - after: table: 131AA208 info: - 1: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000019000 info: - 2: 9e8ea941-c306-aaaf-b367-u00000020000 info: - author: Doompants info: - conflicts: table: 131AA8E8 info: - copyright: 2022 Doompants info: - description: Balance pack to slow early-game power of BlackOps ACU teleports with increased costs, channel time, and buffed anti-teleport towers info: - enabled: true info: - exclusive: false info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/Dooms-BlackOpsFAF-TPBalance/icon.png info: - location: /mods/dooms-blackopsfaf-tpbalance info: - name: Doompants Teleport Balance for BlackOpsFAF ACU info: - requires: table: 131AAF78 info: - 1: 9e8ea941-c306-4751-b367-a00000019000 info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - special_thanks: Original BlackOps authors and contributors. Great mod, years later info: - ui_only: false info: - uid: 5a3c7c26-7008-4516-bbde-d0000003000 info: - version: 3 info: - 5: table: 19A54168 info: - after: table: 19A54280 info: - author: camelCase info: - before: table: 19A54258 info: - conflicts: table: 19A54230 info: - copyright: camelCase info: - description: Highlight working/Idle T1,T2,T3 Engineers and more on the main map with different overlay for each - improved by ZeRen info: - enabled: true info: - exclusive: false info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/idleEngineers/icon.png info: - location: /mods/idleengineers info: - name: Idle Engineers 2 info: - requires: table: 19A541B8 info: - requiresNames: table: 19A54208 info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - ui_only: true info: - uid: b6f8u7l0-987a-4bfa-q777-ec2d6ecd561e info: - url: info: - version: 3 info: - 6: table: 19C32690 info: - after: table: 19C32780 info: - 1: zcbf6277-24e3-437a-b968-Common-v1 info: - 2: 0faf3333-1122-633s-ya-VX0000001000 info: - 3: b2cde810-15d0-4bfa-af66-ec2d6ecd561b info: - 4: ecbf6277-24e3-437a-b968-EcoManager-v4 info: - 5: ecbf6277-24e3-437a-b968-EcoManager-v5 info: - 6: ecbf6277-24e3-437a-b968-EcoManager-v6 info: - 7: ecbf6277-24e3-437a-b968-EcoManager-v7 info: - 8: ecbf6277-24e3-437a-b968-EcoManager-v8 info: - 9: ecbf6277-24e3-437a-b968-EcoManager-v9 info: - author: HUSSAR info: - before: table: 19C32758 info: - conflicts: table: 19C32730 info: - 10: HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v1400 info: - 11: HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v1500 info: - 12: HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v0020 info: - 13: HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v0030 info: - 14: HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v0040 info: - 15: HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v0050 info: - 16: HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v0060 info: - 17: RIGOMATE-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v0080 info: - 18: HUSSAR-pl-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-SETmod-v0100 info: - 19: HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-SUImod-v0900 info: - 1: 9B5F858A-163C-4AF1-B846-A884572E61A5 info: - 20: 8c28a269-8655-4639-8e54-3d311fc376f8 info: - 2: b0059a8c-d9ab-4c30-adcc-31c16580b59d info: - 3: c31fafc0-8199-11dd-ad8b-0866200c9a68 info: - 4: 89BF1572-9EA8-11DC-1313-635F56D89591 info: - 5: f8d8c95a-71e7-4978-921e-8765beb328e8 info: - 6: HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v1100 info: - 7: HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v1200 info: - 8: HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v1230 info: - 9: HUSSAR-PL-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v1300 info: - contributors: Anihilnine, Crotalus, Speed2, MaCielPL, Nojoke, Petricpwnz, Nexus_of_Reality, Col_Walter_Kurtz, PsychoBoB, BlackYps, Strogo, BenDover, Rigomate info: - copyright: HUSSAR, free to re-use code as long as you credit me in your mod info: - description: Difference to normal Supreme Score Board: Kill notifications work again with game version 3756 and higher. Improves score board in Game and in Replay sessions by adding team stats, stats about allies eco, sending eco to allies, killed-by notifications, stats about reclaim, kill-ratio, info about game being rated or not, and more. All Credits go to HUSSAR, who created this mod info: - enabled: true info: - exclusive: false info: - github: info: - history: info: info: ### Version 18 - June 07, 2023 info: - SSB options renamed to reset settings if switching from SSB v6.0 info: - Added extra trace points to find out the reason for Gyle's bug, where the manual selecting of the columns does not work. info: info: ### Version 17 - May 10, 2023 info: - Mod works with FAF develop, it broke with FAF commit aeed1cc1d422f32f8662350f5c8a6906769e707b info: info: ### Version 16 - April 30, 2023 info: - Adjust time settings options for auto toggle info: info: ### Version 15 - April 24, 2023 info: - Fix: Automatic toggling now works for every column info: - Feature: After clicking a column to show that, e.g mass income. The automatic toggling will start again after the time specified in the options info: info: ### Version 14 - April 07, 2023 info: - Feature: Show Mass Sorage instead of showing Total Mass twice info: info: ### Version 13 - April 03, 2023 info: - Fix: All kil events get properly logged, draws will not be missed info: info: ### Version 12 - March 22, 2023 info: - Fix: Unit count and unit cap are shown info: info: ### Version 11 - March 21, 2023 info: - Fix: Score is shown at the end of the game info: info: ### Version 10 - March 21, 2023 info: - Renamed to SSB2 ingame info: - Added kill notifications for games between patch 3741 and 3756, which tells that someone died, without naming a killer or reason info: info: ### Version 9 - March 19, 2023 info: - Draws can be seen info: info: ### Version 8 - March 18, 2023 info: - Fixed kill notification, which got broken after game patch 3741, starting from game patch 3756 it will work again info: info: ### Version 8 - March 18, 2023 info: - Fixed kill notification, which got broken after game patch 3741, starting from game patch 3756 it will work again info: info: ### Version 4-6 - November 12, 2020 info: - added economy income of allied players in game session info: - added economy storage of allied players in game session info: - added support for sharing economy when phantom mod is enabled info: - added player's name when someone creates a ping on the map info: - fixed original score board floating on game start info: - fixed hiding of SSB on toggle all UIs off info: - fixed initialization of players colors in SSB info: info: ### Version 3 - November 3, 2020 info: - fixed displaying of reclaimed stats in score board info: - fixed speed slider when changing game speed via keyboard shortcut info: - fixed flashing of faction icon when a user creates a ping on the map info: info: ### Version 1.4 - October, 2017 info: - fixed an issue with selecting text color for armies due to changes in FAF army colors info: - fixed an issue finding map quadrant for an army with incorrect army key defined in [map name]_save.lua info: info: ### Version v1.3 - July, 2016 info: - added info about who killed a player in Army notification window info: - added info about who decided to CTRL+K in Army notification window info: - added coloring of player names in Army notification window info: - added mod configuration under Game -> Options -> Interface tab info: - added interaction states for buttons in the sort line (first line of the score board) info: - fixed mouse interaction in top row, now left click will show values in columns info: - fixed mouse interaction in top row, now right click will sort values in columns info: - fixed compatibility with other mods that modify score.lua (e.g. EcoManager) and SSB takes precedence over these mods info: - fixed numbering of teams based on players' starting locations and map quadrants (per Gyle request) info: - fixed messages with sent resources/units to allies (observer will see message target) info: - fixed tooltip that shows unit restrictions and separated presets from custom restrictions info: - fixed detection for unranked games (if restrictions count greater than zero) info: - increased number of notifications for built experimental units (2 -> 5) info: - increased precision for rounding large numbers (1.2m -> 1.23m) info: - improved description of tooltips info: info: ### Version v1.2 - January, 2016 info: - (all sessions) added replay ID below map info line info: - (all sessions) added calculation of game quality/balance if this value is not present in session options info: - (game session) added buttons for sharing mass/energy/units with allied human players (faster than LazyShare) info: - (game session) added buttons for sharing mass/energy/units with allied AI players info: - (game session) added chat notifications for transferred amount of mass/energy to allied players info: - (game session) added chat notifications for transferred number of units to allied players info: - (game session) added separator lines between players' lines and teams' lines in game session info: - (replay session) changed reclaim column to show reclaim values (works with latest FAF beta patch) info: - (replay session) added auto-hiding multifunction panel because it is not used in replays at all info: - (replay session) added auto-switching between score columns (e.g. units types air|land|naval) info: - (replay session) clicking on a column toggle will disable auto-switching columns info: - fixed coloring of player names when they are not in teams (e.g. Phantom games) info: - fixed coloring of player names in replay session info: - fixed information in tooltips info: - fixed conditions for checking ranked games info: - fixed teams statistics by including score data for dead players info: - fixed team status that shows how many players are still alive info: - fixed detection of dead players in sandbox games info: - fixed placement of icons in the sort line info: - fixed alignment of top line with its background info: - fixed very long map names by truncating them to 30 chars info: - changed background of the score board to darker color (better visibility of player names) info: - changed units column to show air/land/navy/all instead of cumulative values, e.g. air + navy info: - changed ranking column to show exact values in ladder games and rounded values in regular games info: - changed coloring of player names and now they will match color of team info: - changed column with player names to include clan tags (if they exist) info: info: ### Version 1.1 - October 5, 2015 info: - fixed info about active mods in replay session info: - fixed status of game raking info: - fixed tooltip about game quality/balance info: - added coloring of player names based on team color info: info: ### Version 1.0 - September 25, 2015 info: - added team lines that sums up statistics for allied players info: - added column with filters to show count of air/land/navy/base units info: - added column for total mass of collected/killed/lost info: - added column for players rating to prevent clipping by score values info: - added toggle to show and sort players by their army rating info: - added toggle to show and sort players by total mass collected info: - added toggle to show and sort players by total mass reclaimed* info: - added toggle to show and sort players by total energy reclaimed* info: - added toggle to show and sort players by total energy collected info: - added toggle to show and sort players by their clan tags info: - added toggle to show and sort players by Kills-to-Loses Ratio info: - added toggle to show and sort players by Kills-to-Built Ratio info: - added toggle to sort players by current mass income info: - added toggle to sort players by current energy income info: - added toggle to sort players by current score value info: - added toggle to sort players by their army name info: - added toggle to sort players by their clan tag info: - added toggle to sort players by their team id info: - added sorting by two columns when value in the first sorting are equal, e.g. sorting by team ID and then by mass income info: - added team status showing alive/maximum players info: - added rendering players names with red/green when in players view to show allies/enemies info: - added calculation of AI rating based on AI type and AI cheat modifiers info: - added field showing game quality based on network connection between players info: - added tooltips for all new UI elements in the score panel info: - added info about map size info: - added icons with improved quality for mass, energy, units info: - added icons with info about game restrictions info: - added icons with info about active mods info: - added icons with info about unit sharing info: - added icons with info about victory conditions info: - added icons with info about AI multipliers info: - added notifications about 1st experimental unit built by a player info: - fixed game time/speed fields into two fields info: - fixed unit counter to show unit count of all armies (in observer view) or just player's units (in player view) info: - fixed missing tooltip for game speed slider info: - fixed performance in updating score panel by limiting number of for loops (n*n-times to n-times) info: - fixed issues with performing operations on uninitialized values of score data info: - fixed redundant function calls to GetArmiesTable().armiesTable info: - fixed redundant function calls to GetFocusArmy() info: - fixed redundant function calls to SessionIsReplay() info: - fixed redundant function calls to SessionGetScenarioInfo() info: - fixed redundant imports of some LUA scripts (e.g. announcement.lua) info: info: info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/SupremeScoreBoard2/mod_icon.png info: - location: /mods/supremescoreboard2 info: - name: Supreme Score Board2 info: - requires: table: 19C32708 info: - requiresNames: table: 19C326E0 info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - ui_only: true info: - uid: RIGOMATE-a1e2-c4t4-scfa-ssbmod-v0180 info: - url: info: - version: 18 info: - 7: table: 19C32618 info: - author: BlueAmulet info: - conflicts: table: 19C32668 info: - 1: 68c017a4-bce5-11e5-9912-ba0be0483c18 info: - 2: d0f93970-a8de-4140-a3f9-6023a8d3e97e info: - 3: d0f93970-a8de-4140-a3f9-SupEcoEM-v2 info: - 4: a0714870-3f5e-4b60-970e-1b02341990ec info: - 5: 89BF1572-9EA8-11DC-1313-635F56D89591 info: - 6: f8d8c95a-71e7-4978-921e-8765beb328e8 info: - 7: 8c28a269-8655-4639-8e54-3d311fc376f6 info: - copyright: MaCielPL, Crotalus, BlueAmulet info: - description: Unofficial continuation of Supreme Economy: Tools that help with micromanaging economy. Original mod by MaCielPL, report bugs to BlueAmulet#0168 on Discord info: - exclusive: false info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/SupremeEconomy/mod_icon.png info: - location: /mods/supremeeconomy info: - name: Supreme Economy Next info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - ui_only: true info: - uid: 53757072-656d-6545-636f-6e6f6d790005 info: - url: info: - version: 5 info: - 8: table: 19C32F00 info: - author: Emperor_Penguin info: - copyright: info: - description: Changes certain icons to make them easier to spot (currently affects ACU, SML, SMD, and TML) info: - exclusive: false info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/Penguins Icon Mod/icon.png info: - location: /mods/penguins icon mod info: - name: Penguin's Icon Mod info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - ui_only: true info: - uid: 3ccc4eca-0cb1-11ec-ac65-a37599393411-02 info: - version: 2 info: - 9: table: 19A54348 info: - after: table: 19A544B0 info: - author: Mach info: - before: table: 19A54488 info: - conflicts: table: 19A54460 info: - contributors: MrNukealizer info: - copyright: info: - description: Adds a Disperse Move command that can be bound to a hotkey. Works like Spread Move, but only gives 1 order to each unit, evenly distributing them to their closest orders individually. info: - enabled: true info: - exclusive: false info: - hookdir: /hook info: - icon: /mods/Disperse Move/mod_icon.png info: - location: /mods/disperse move info: - name: Disperse Move info: - requires: table: 19A54410 info: - requiresNames: table: 19A54438 info: - selectable: true info: - shadowdir: /shadow info: - ui_only: true info: - uid: Machd6c5-cd5c-4e34-b6cc-11503ed5e2de info: - version: 14 info: Hooked /lua/UserSync.lua with /mods/supremescoreboard2/hook/lua/UserSync.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/help/tooltips.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-exunits/hook/lua/ui/help/tooltips.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/help/tooltips.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/lua/ui/help/tooltips.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/help/tooltips.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-acus/hook/lua/ui/help/tooltips.lua info: Hooked /lua/factions.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-acus/hook/lua/factions.lua debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes STIMap debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes LoadTexturing debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes WaterMask debug: MEM: -12252683 bytes TERRAIN info: Background task "Map loader /maps/survival_5thdimension_16_player_v5.v0018/survival_5thdimension_16_player_v5.scmap" finished. debug: MEM: -4 bytes LUABP info: Hooked /lua/simInit.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/lua/simInit.lua info: Hooked /loc/us/strings_db.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/loc/us/strings_db.lua info: Hooked /loc/us/strings_db.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/loc/us/strings_db.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/adjacencybuffs.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/lua/sim/adjacencybuffs.lua info: Hooked /lua/scenarioframework.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-acus/hook/lua/scenarioframework.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/scenarioutilities.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-acus/hook/lua/sim/scenarioutilities.lua debug: MEM: -4 bytes OGRID info: Loading save file: /maps/survival_5thdimension_16_player_v5.v0018/survival_5thdimension_16_player_v5_save.lua info: Loading script file: /maps/survival_5thdimension_16_player_v5.v0018/survival_5thdimension_16_player_v5_script.lua info: Hooked /lua/factions.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-acus/hook/lua/factions.lua info: Hooked /lua/upgradetemplates.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/lua/upgradetemplates.lua warning: NUM PROPS = 0 info: ----- Survival MOD: OnPopulate() info: Initialize Armies brain nickname is Doompants info: CreateArmy group ARMY_3 info: Hooked /lua/defaultunits.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-acus/hook/lua/defaultunits.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/unit.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/lua/sim/unit.lua debug: Sim mod detected - adding in missing fields to unit class to improve compatibility info: Hooked /lua/armordefinition.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/lua/armordefinition.lua info: Initialize Armies brain nickname is Rabid_Donkey info: CreateArmy group ARMY_6 info: Initialize Armies brain nickname is ghostwheel info: CreateArmy group ARMY_10 info: Initialize Armies brain nickname is garetdoiron info: CreateArmy group ARMY_14 info: Initialize Armies brain nickname is civilian info: CreateArmy group ARMY_SURVIVAL_ALLY info: Initialize Armies brain nickname is civilian info: CreateArmy group ARMY_SURVIVAL_ENEMY info: ----- Survival MOD: Configuring match settings... info: ----- Survival MOD: Initializing marker lists... info: ----- Survival MOD: Marker counts: CENTER(1) PATHS(32) SPAWN(32) ARTY(0) NUKE(4) info: ----- Survival MOD: Initializing defense object... info: ----- Survival MOD: Initializing prebuild objects... info: ----- Survival MOD: CalcWaveCounts = ((8 EPM * 4 Players = 32)) * ((10 Second Waves / 60 = 0.16666667163372)) = 5.3333334922791 Units Per Wave (( with Waves Per Minute of 6 = 32 of 32 Units Per Minute. info: ----- Survival MOD: CalcNukeFrequency = 135 - (RatioEPM: -10/-0.16666667163372) - (RatioPC: 60/1) = 85 info: ----- Survival MOD: Initializing game start sequence... info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua with /mods/idleengineers/hook/lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua with /mods/supremescoreboard2/hook/lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua with /mods/supremeeconomy/hook/lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua with /mods/disperse move/hook/lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua warning: Hotbuild key Shift-N is already bound to action "Nuke - SHIFT version" under "ORDERS" category warning: Hotbuild key Shift-X is already bound to action "Shift Disperse Move" under "ORDERS" category debug: Preloading 1405 batch textures debug: Preloading 970 d3d textures debug: Preloading 111 models debug: Preloading 532 animations info: Hooked /lua/ui/controls/worldview.lua with /mods/supremescoreboard2/hook/lua/ui/controls/worldview.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/help/unitdescription.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-exunits/hook/lua/ui/help/unitdescription.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/help/unitdescription.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/lua/ui/help/unitdescription.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/help/unitdescription.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-acus/hook/lua/ui/help/unitdescription.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/help/unitdescription.lua with /mods/dooms-blackopsfaf-tpbalance/hook/lua/ui/help/unitdescription.lua info: Hooked /lua/armordefinition.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/hook/lua/armordefinition.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/tabs.lua with /mods/supremescoreboard2/hook/lua/ui/game/tabs.lua info: creating high fidelity terrain info: creating high fidelity water info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/economy.lua with /mods/supremescoreboard2/hook/lua/ui/game/economy.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/layouts/economy_mini.lua with /mods/supremescoreboard2/hook/lua/ui/game/layouts/economy_mini.lua info: creating high fidelity terrain info: creating high fidelity water warning: Not showing label for keybind Semicolon due to length info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... info: SSB map.quadrants { info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_3 = 4 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_10 = 3 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_4 = 4 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_15 = 3 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_14 = 3 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_2 = 4 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_11 = 3 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_1 = 4 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_7 = 4 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_5 = 4 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_6 = 4 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_12 = 3 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_13 = 3 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_16 = 3 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_9 = 3 info: SSB map.quadrants ARMY_8 = 4 info: SSB map.quadrants } info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... armyID=1, type=player, name=Doompants info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... armyID=2, type=player, name=Rabid_Donkey info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... armyID=3, type=player, name=ghostwheel info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... armyID=4, type=player, name=garetdoiron info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... armyID=5, type=civilian, name=civilian info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... armyID=6, type=civilian, name=civilian info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... armies created info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... creating team for army=1 info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... creating team for army=1 finished 1234 quadrant3 info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... saving team=-1 size=4 info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... creating team for army=2 info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... creating team for army=2 finished 1234 quadrant3 info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... creating team for army=3 info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... creating team for army=3 finished 1234 quadrant3 info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... creating team for army=4 info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... creating team for army=4 finished 1234 quadrant3 info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... teams created info: SSB >>> TRACE InitializeStats()... teamsActive = false, teamsCount = 1, armiesCount = 4 info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateSortLine()... armyID = 100 info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateArmyLine()... armyID = 1, color = ff901427, txtColor = ffffffff, type=player, name = Doompants info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateArmyLine()... armyID = 2, color = ffffffff, txtColor = ffffffff, type=player, name = Rabid_Donkey info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateArmyLine()... armyID = 3, color = ff2929e1, txtColor = ffffffff, type=player, name = ghostwheel info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateArmyLine()... armyID = 4, color = ff2f4f4f, txtColor = ffffffff, type=player, name = garetdoiron info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateArmyLine()... armyID = 0, color = FFFFFFFF, txtColor = FFC3C3C3, type=observer, name = OBSERVER info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateMapLine()... info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateInfoLine()... info: SSB >>> TRACE restrictionCount 0 info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateInfoIconMods()... SIM BlackOps FAF: EXUnits info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateInfoIconMods()... SIM BlackOps FAF: Unleashed info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateInfoIconMods()... SIM BlackOps FAF: ACUs info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateInfoIconMods()... SIM Doompants Teleport Balance for BlackOpsFAF ACU info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateInfoIconMods()... UI Idle Engineers 2 info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateInfoIconMods()... UI Supreme Score Board2 info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateInfoIconMods()... UI Supreme Economy Next info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateInfoIconMods()... UI Penguin's Icon Mod info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateInfoIconMods()... UI Disperse Move info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateInfoLine()... game not ranked because HasAssassination = false info: SSB >>> TRACE CreateInfoLine()... game not ranked because HasNoSimMods = false info: /replayid info: SSB >>> TRACE GetReplayId()... from cmd /replayid 20611540 info: SSB >>> TRACE SetLayout()... info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/score.lua with /mods/supremescoreboard2/hook/lua/ui/game/score.lua info: /replayid warning: GetResource: Invalid name "" info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback. warning: GetResource: Invalid name "" info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback. warning: GetResource: Invalid name "" info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback. info: Exe GitSHA: 74dc0f5 info: ----- Survival MOD: Tick thread started with interval of (0.5) debug: Current gametime: 00:00:00 info: Exe GitSHA: 74dc0f5 info: Exe GitSHA: 74dc0f5 info: Exe GitSHA: 74dc0f5 info: Exe GitSHA: 74dc0f5 info: Exe GitSHA: 74dc0f5 info: Exe GitSHA: 74dc0f5 info: Exe GitSHA: 74dc0f5 info: Exe GitSHA: 74dc0f5 info: SSB >>> TRACE initialized info: SSB >>> TRACE SetLayout()... warning: URA0001 is deprecated: use URA0001O, URA0002O or URA0003O instead. warning: Source: warning: - currentline: -1 warning: - func: cfunction: 1A957100 warning: - linedefined: -1 warning: - name: CreateUnit warning: - namewhat: global warning: - nups: 0 warning: - short_src: [C] warning: - source: =[C] warning: - what: C info: Hooked /lua/seraphimunits.lua with /mods/blackopsfaf-acus/hook/lua/seraphimunits.lua info: Run time: 0h00m37s Command line: C:\ProgramData\FAForever\replaydata\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe /init init.lua /nobugreport /log "%USER_PROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\logs\game_20611540.log" /replay C:\ProgramData\FAForever\cache\temp.scfareplay /replayid 20611540 Exit code: 0 Engine ver.: 3761 Game tick: 0