info: Client version: 2022.10.0 info: Game version: 3745 info: Game type: nomads info: Loading custom vault path: C:/Users/%USER%/Documents/My Games/Gas Powered Games/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance info: Mounting sounds in mod: blackopsfaf-unleashed info: Mounting sounds in mod: oof info: Prevented loading a deprecated mod: simspeed++ info: Mounting sounds in mod: survival mayhem&bo balance info: Mounting sounds in mod: totalmayhem info: mounting content: effects.nx2 info: mounting content: env.nx2 info: mounting content: etc.nx2 info: mounting content: loc.nx2 info: mounting content: lua.nx2 info: mounting content: meshes.nx2 info: mounting content: projectiles.nx2 info: mounting content: textures.nx2 info: mounting content: units.nx2 info: mounting content: effects.scd info: mounting content: env.scd info: mounting content: loc_US.scd info: mounting content: meshes.scd info: mounting content: mods.scd info: mounting content: objects.scd info: mounting content: projectiles.scd info: mounting content: props.scd info: mounting content: skins.scd info: mounting content: textures.scd info: mounting content: units.scd info: Clearing cached shader files in: %USER_PROFILE%\AppData\Local\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\cache\ warning: Search path element "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\movies" does not match any files info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\units.nmd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\textures.nmd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\sounds.nmd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\effects.nmd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\env.nmd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\nomadhook.nmd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nmd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\projectiles.nmd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\loc.nmd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\meshes.nmd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\appdata\local\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance', mounted as '/preferences/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\12_the_epic_pass.v0002', mounted as '/maps/12_the_epic_pass.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\6-icelands_v5.v0001', mounted as '/maps/6-icelands_v5.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\adaptive_argon.v0002', mounted as '/maps/adaptive_argon.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\adaptive_flooded_tabula_rasa.v0002', mounted as '/maps/adaptive_flooded_tabula_rasa.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\adaptive_millennium.v0006', mounted as '/maps/adaptive_millennium.v0006/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\adaptive_pandemonium_isthmus.v0016', mounted as '/maps/adaptive_pandemonium_isthmus.v0016/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\adaptive_wonder.v0001', mounted as '/maps/adaptive_wonder.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro7x7.v0001', mounted as '/maps/astro7x7.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astrogap_fixed.v0002', mounted as '/maps/astrogap_fixed.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_battles', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_battles/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_battles_3x3_rich.v0001', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_battles_3x3_rich.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_battles_4x4_overmap.v0001', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_battles_4x4_overmap.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_battles_4x4_overmap.v0002', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_battles_4x4_overmap.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_battles_4x4_rich.v0001', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_battles_4x4_rich.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_battles_4x4_rich_huge.v0004', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_battles_4x4_rich_huge.v0004/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_battles_4x4_rich_v2.v0001', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_battles_4x4_rich_v2.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_battles_4x4_rich_xl.v0002', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_battles_4x4_rich_xl.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_battles_4x4_v2-2_teamplay_ai.v0001', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_battles_4x4_v2-2_teamplay_ai.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_battles_4x4_v2.v0003', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_battles_4x4_v2.v0003/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_battles_4x4_v2_teamplay_ai.v0001', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_battles_4x4_v2_teamplay_ai.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_crater_battles_6v6.v0004', mounted as '/maps/astro_crater_battles_6v6.v0004/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_new.v0001', mounted as '/maps/astro_new.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\astro_water_battles.v0002', mounted as '/maps/astro_water_battles.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\a_procyon5.v0001', mounted as '/maps/a_procyon5.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\desert_gap.v0005', mounted as '/maps/desert_gap.v0005/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dualgap_adaptive.v0012', mounted as '/maps/dualgap_adaptive.v0012/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dualgap_fix_adaptive.v0007', mounted as '/maps/dualgap_fix_adaptive.v0007/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dualgap_reborn.v0003', mounted as '/maps/dualgap_reborn.v0003/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dualgap_reborn2.v0004', mounted as '/maps/dualgap_reborn2.v0004/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dualgap_reborn_8v8.v0004', mounted as '/maps/dualgap_reborn_8v8.v0004/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dual_cevelon_8vs8.v0007', mounted as '/maps/dual_cevelon_8vs8.v0007/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dual_cevelon_8vs8.v0010', mounted as '/maps/dual_cevelon_8vs8.v0010/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dual_gap_fix.v0004.v0004', mounted as '/maps/dual_gap_fix.v0004.v0004/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\dual_gap_scenic_adaptive.v0010', mounted as '/maps/dual_gap_scenic_adaptive.v0010/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\gap_of_rohan_fixed_pathing.v0001', mounted as '/maps/gap_of_rohan_fixed_pathing.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\isis3v3.v0001', mounted as '/maps/isis3v3.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\madsea20x20.v0017', mounted as '/maps/madsea20x20.v0017/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\madsea20x20.v0023', mounted as '/maps/madsea20x20.v0023/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\paradisebay.v0007', mounted as '/maps/paradisebay.v0007/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\peace.v0004', mounted as '/maps/peace.v0004/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\sentina iii.v0001', mounted as '/maps/sentina iii.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0004', mounted as '/maps/setons_clutch_-_faf_version.v0004/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\setons_reworked.v0010', mounted as '/maps/setons_reworked.v0010/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\swarm_survival_10_players.v0019', mounted as '/maps/swarm_survival_10_players.v0019/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\syrtis_assault.v0001', mounted as '/maps/syrtis_assault.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\the_pass_to_valhalla.v0013', mounted as '/maps/the_pass_to_valhalla.v0013/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\ultimate_you_shall_not_pass_ai_12_players.v0002', mounted as '/maps/ultimate_you_shall_not_pass_ai_12_players.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\volcano_beach.v0002', mounted as '/maps/volcano_beach.v0002/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\waterline_v3.v0006', mounted as '/maps/waterline_v3.v0006/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\wave_of_death_faf_version.v0001', mounted as '/maps/wave_of_death_faf_version.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\westlend.v0010', mounted as '/maps/westlend.v0010/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\maps\yoritzius.v0001', mounted as '/maps/yoritzius.v0001/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\advancedshieldsv4fixed', mounted as '/mods/advancedshieldsv4fixed/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\allfactions', mounted as '/mods/allfactions/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\allfactionsfixed', mounted as '/mods/allfactionsfixed/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\allfactionsnomads v2.2', mounted as '/mods/allfactionsnomads v2.2/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\allfactions_faf_bo_nomads', mounted as '/mods/allfactions_faf_bo_nomads/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\all_faction_quantum_gate', mounted as '/mods/all_faction_quantum_gate/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\antares unit pack', mounted as '/mods/antares unit pack/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\blackopsfaf-acus', mounted as '/mods/blackopsfaf-acus/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\blackopsfaf-exunits', mounted as '/mods/blackopsfaf-exunits/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\blackopsfaf-unleashed', mounted as '/mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\blackopsfaf-unleashed\sounds', mounted as '/sounds/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\brewlan', mounted as '/mods/brewlan/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\brewlan_units', mounted as '/mods/brewlan_units/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\defencesexpand', mounted as '/mods/defencesexpand/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\defencesexpandenhanced', mounted as '/mods/defencesexpandenhanced/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\exmex', mounted as '/mods/exmex/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\fastbuild x2 range x5 power', mounted as '/mods/fastbuild x2 range x5 power/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\fastbuild2x', mounted as '/mods/fastbuild2x/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\flyingbuilders-slower', mounted as '/mods/flyingbuilders-slower/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\hyper experimental tier', mounted as '/mods/hyper experimental tier/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\instabuild', mounted as '/mods/instabuild/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\jaggeds_infrastructure_pack', mounted as '/mods/jaggeds_infrastructure_pack/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\jaggeds_infrastructure_pack 3.0', mounted as '/mods/jaggeds_infrastructure_pack 3.0/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\low commander upgrades costs tweaked', mounted as '/mods/low commander upgrades costs tweaked/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\low commander upgrades costs tweaked 2', mounted as '/mods/low commander upgrades costs tweaked 2/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\no friendly fire', mounted as '/mods/no friendly fire/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\nuclearrepulsorshields', mounted as '/mods/nuclearrepulsorshields/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\oof', mounted as '/mods/oof/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\oof\sounds', mounted as '/sounds/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\quantumresourcegenerators', mounted as '/mods/quantumresourcegenerators/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\reclaim tower', mounted as '/mods/reclaim tower/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\reclaim turret', mounted as '/mods/reclaim turret/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\resource rich', mounted as '/mods/resource rich/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\smarttacticalmissiles', mounted as '/mods/smarttacticalmissiles/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\storagerich_x10fixed', mounted as '/mods/storagerich_x10fixed/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\survival mayhem&bo balance', mounted as '/mods/survival mayhem&bo balance/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\survival mayhem&bo balance\sounds', mounted as '/sounds/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\swarm survival', mounted as '/mods/swarm survival/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\t4_energy_gen_pack', mounted as '/mods/t4_energy_gen_pack/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\totalmayhem', mounted as '/mods/totalmayhem/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\totalmayhem\sounds', mounted as '/sounds/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\ultra shields', mounted as '/mods/ultra shields/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\x2 build range', mounted as '/mods/x2 build range/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\effects.nx2', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\env.nx2', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\etc.nx2', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\loc.nx2', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx2', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\meshes.nx2', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\projectiles.nx2', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\textures.nx2', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\programdata\faforever\gamedata\units.nx2', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\effects.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\env.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\loc_us.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\meshes.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\mods.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\objects.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\projectiles.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\props.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\skins.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\textures.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\units.scd', mounted as '/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: '%USER_PROFILE%\appdata\local\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance', mounted as '/preferences/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\movies', mounted as '/movies/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\sounds', mounted as '/sounds/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\maps', mounted as '/maps/' info: DISK: AddSearchPath: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\fonts', mounted as '/fonts/' info: Hooked /lua/globalInit.lua with /nomadhook/lua/globalInit.lua info: Hooked /lua/system/utils.lua with /nomadhook/lua/system/utils.lua info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/aeonselect.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 278f4b0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'aeonselect' at 278f4b0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ambienttest.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 278f5e0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ambienttest' at 278f5e0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/blackopswb.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 278f710 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'blackopswb' at 278f710 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/cybranselect.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 278f840 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'cybranselect' at 278f840 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/explosions.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 278f970 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'explosions' at 278f970 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/explosionsstream.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'explosionsstream' at 278faa0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/fmv_bg.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'fmv_bg' at 2791010 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/impacts.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2792178 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'impacts' at 2792178 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/interface.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27922a8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'interface' at 27922a8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/music.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'music' at 27923d8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/nomadsbuildings.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2793540 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'nomadsbuildings' at 2793540 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/nomadscomputer.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2793670 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'nomadscomputer' at 2793670 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/nomadsdestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27937a0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'nomadsdestroy' at 27937a0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/nomadsinterface.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27938d0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'nomadsinterface' at 27938d0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/nomadsmisc.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2793a00 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'nomadsmisc' at 2793a00 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/nomadsoverchargeweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2793b30 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'nomadsoverchargeweapon' at 2793b30 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/nomadsprojectiles.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2793c60 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'nomadsprojectiles' at 2793c60 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/nomadsunits.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2793d90 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'nomadsunits' at 2793d90 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/nomadsweapons.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2793ec0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'nomadsweapons' at 2793ec0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/oof.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2793ff0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'oof' at 2793ff0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/op_briefing.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'op_briefing' at 2794120 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/seraphimselect.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27958c8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'seraphimselect' at 27958c8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/tm_aeonweaponsounds.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'tm_aeonweaponsounds' at 2796290 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/tm_aircraftsounds.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2795ee0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'tm_aircraftsounds' at 2795ee0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/tm_cybranweaponsounds.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2795520 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'tm_cybranweaponsounds' at 2795520 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/tm_explosionsounds.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2795b38 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'tm_explosionsounds' at 2795b38 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/tm_robotsounds.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2795790 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'tm_robotsounds' at 2795790 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/tm_uefweaponsounds.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27952b0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'tm_uefweaponsounds' at 27952b0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/tmmm_sounds.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'tmmm_sounds' at 27973f8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uaa.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2796018 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uaa' at 2796018 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uaadestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2795a00 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uaadestroy' at 2795a00 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uaaweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2795c70 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uaaweapon' at 2795c70 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uab.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27953e8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uab' at 27953e8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ual.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2795658 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ual' at 2795658 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ualdestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2796150 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ualdestroy' at 2796150 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ualweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2795da8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ualweapon' at 2795da8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uas.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2798588 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uas' at 2798588 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uasdestroy.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uasdestroy' at 279a568 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uasweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2799908 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uasweapon' at 2799908 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uea.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2798e10 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uea' at 2798e10 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueadestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27991b8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueadestroy' at 27991b8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueaweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2798ba0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueaweapon' at 2798ba0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueb.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27997d0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueb' at 27997d0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uefselect.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2799a40 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uefselect' at 2799a40 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uel.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2799cb0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uel' at 2799cb0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ueldestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279a190 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ueldestroy' at 279a190 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uelweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2799de8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uelweapon' at 2799de8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ues.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2798cd8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ues' at 2798cd8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uesdestroy.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uesdestroy' at 279b6d0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uesweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27992f0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uesweapon' at 27992f0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/unitrumble.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2799b78 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'unitrumble' at 2799b78 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/unitsglobal.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2799f20 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'unitsglobal' at 2799f20 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ura.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2798f48 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ura' at 2798f48 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uradestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2799080 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uradestroy' at 2799080 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/uraweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279a058 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'uraweapon' at 279a058 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urb.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27986c0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urb' at 27986c0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/url.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279a2c8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'url' at 279a2c8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urldestroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279a400 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urldestroy' at 279a400 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urlweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2799560 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urlweapon' at 2799560 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/urs.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2799698 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'urs' at 2799698 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ursdestroy.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ursdestroy' at 279c838 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ursstream.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ursstream' at 279d9a0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/ursweapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2799428 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ursweapon' at 2799428 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xaa_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27987f8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xaa_weapon' at 27987f8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xab.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2798930 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xab' at 2798930 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xal.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 2798a68 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xal' at 2798a68 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xal_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279f4f0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xal_weapon' at 279f4f0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xas.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279ffe8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xas' at 279ffe8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xas_weapons.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279f9d0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xas_weapons' at 279f9d0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xea.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279f148 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xea' at 279f148 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xea_weapons.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279ec68 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xea_weapons' at 279ec68 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xeb.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279fb08 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xeb' at 279fb08 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xel.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279f280 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xel' at 279f280 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xel_weapons.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279eda0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xel_weapons' at 279eda0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xes.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279feb0 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xes' at 279feb0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xes_destroy.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xes_destroy' at 27a0b10 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xes_weapons.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a04c8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xes_weapons' at 27a04c8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xra.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279eed8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xra' at 279eed8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xra_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a0600 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xra_weapon' at 27a0600 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrb.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279eb30 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrb' at 279eb30 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrl.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a0738 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrl' at 27a0738 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrl_stream.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrl_stream' at 27a1c78 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrl_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279f898 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrl_weapon' at 279f898 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrs.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a0120 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrs' at 27a0120 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xrs_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a0258 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xrs_weapon' at 27a0258 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsa.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a0870 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsa' at 27a0870 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsa_destroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279fc40 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsa_destroy' at 279fc40 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsa_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279fd78 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsa_weapon' at 279fd78 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsb.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279f3b8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsb' at 279f3b8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsb_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a0390 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsb_weapon' at 27a0390 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsl.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279f760 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsl' at 279f760 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsl_destroy.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a09a8 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsl_destroy' at 27a09a8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xsl_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279f628 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xsl_weapon' at 279f628 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xss.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 279f010 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xss' at 279f010 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xss_destroy.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xss_destroy' at 27a2de0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/xss_weapon.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a3f70 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xss_weapon' at 27a3f70 debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ambienttest' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'blackopssb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'explosions' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'fmv_bg' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'impacts' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'interface' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'music' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'nomadsbuildings' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'nomadscomputer' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'nomadsdestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'nomadsinterface' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'nomadsmisc' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'nomadsoverchargeweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'nomadsprojectiles' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'nomadsunits' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'nomadsweapons' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'oof' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'op_briefing' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'seraphimselect' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'tm_aeonweapons' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'tm_aircrafts' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'tm_cybranweapons' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'tm_explosions' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'tm_robotsounds' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'tm_uefweapons' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'tmmm_cues' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uaa' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uaadestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uaaweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uab' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ual' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ualdestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ualweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uas' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uasdestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uasweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uea' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueadestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueaweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uel' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ueldestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uelweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ues' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uesdestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uesweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'unitrumble' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'unitsglobal' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ura' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uradestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'uraweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'url' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urldestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urlweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'urs' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ursdestroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ursstream' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ursweapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xaa' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xaa_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xab' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xal' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xal_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xas' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xas_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xca' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xcb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xcl' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xcs' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xea' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xea_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xeb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xel' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xel_weapons' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xes' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xes_destroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xes_weapons' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xra' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xra_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl_destroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl_stream' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrl_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrs' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xrs_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsa' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsa_destroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsa_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsb' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsb_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsl' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsl_destroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xsl_weapon' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xss' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xss_destroy' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xss_weapon' debug: MEM: -39651488 bytes SND info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/briefings.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'briefings' at 27d2a68 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/ntaunts.xwb") => false debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a5560 debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'ntaunts' at 27a5560 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/seraphim_language.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'seraphim_language' at 27d3440 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x01_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x01_vo' at 27d2630 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x02_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x02_vo' at 27d3008 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x03_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x03_vo' at 27d2ea0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x04_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x04_vo' at 27d2bd0 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x05_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x05_vo' at 27d3170 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x06_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x06_vo' at 27d2d38 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x1t_vo.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x1t_vo' at 27d2798 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/x_fmv.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'x_fmv' at 27d32d8 info: IsStreamingWaveBank("/sounds/voice/us/xgg.xwb") => true debug: SND: Loaded WaveBank 'xgg' at 27d2900 debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'briefings' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'ntaunts' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x01_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x02_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x03_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x04_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x05_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x06_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x1t_vo' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'x_fmv' debug: SND: Loaded SoundBank 'xgg' debug: MEM: -796091502 bytes SND info: MD5 of global settings: d2a23d6464d3fd77956e7648c43b5077 debug: MEM: -796091502 bytes SND info: Hooked /lua/system/utils.lua with /nomadhook/lua/system/utils.lua info: Hooked /lua/skins/skins.lua with /nomadhook/lua/skins/skins.lua info: /savereplay info: REPLAY ID: 18455143 info: adding font file /fonts/arial.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arialbd.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arialbi.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/ariali.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arialn.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arialnb.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arialnbi.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arialni.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/ariblk.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/arlrdbd.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/butterbe.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/vdub.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/wintermu.ttf info: adding font file /fonts/zeroes_3.ttf info: Compiled shader: /effects/cartographic.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/frame.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/mesh.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/particle.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/primbatcher.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/range.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/sky.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/terrain.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/ui.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/vision.fx info: Compiled shader: /effects/water2.fx info: SHADERS COMPILED info: Hooked /lua/options/options.lua with /nomadhook/lua/options/options.lua info: UI_ForceLifbarsOnEnemy 0 info: ui_RenderCustomNames 0 info: ui_AlwaysRenderStrategicIcons 0 info: ui_ScreenEdgeScrollView 1 info: cam_ZoomAmount 0.40000000596046 info: ui_KeyboardPanSpeed 90 info: ui_KeyboardPanAccelerateMultiplier 4 info: ui_KeyboardRotateSpeed 10 info: ui_KeyboardRotateAccelerateMultiplier 2 info: ui_ArrowKeysScrollView 1 info: SC_SecondaryAdapter false info: SC_ToggleCursorClip 0 info: ren_Skydome 1 info: graphics_Fidelity 2 info: shadow_Fidelity 3 info: ren_MipSkipLevels 0 info: cam_DefaultLOD 0.9 info: cam_SetLOD WorldCamera 0.9 info: cam_SetLOD WorldCamera2 0.9 info: cam_SetLOD CameraHead2 0.9 info: SC_CameraScaleLOD 2 info: ren_bloom 1 debug: Wavebank prepared: 278faa0 debug: Wavebank prepared: 2791010 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27923d8 debug: Wavebank prepared: 2794120 debug: Wavebank prepared: 2796290 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27973f8 debug: Wavebank prepared: 279a568 debug: Wavebank prepared: 279b6d0 debug: Wavebank prepared: 279c838 debug: Wavebank prepared: 279d9a0 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a0b10 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a1c78 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27a2de0 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27d2a68 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27d3440 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27d3008 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27d2ea0 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27d2bd0 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27d3170 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27d2d38 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27d2798 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27d32d8 info: GPGNET: entering idle state. info: Hooked /lua/ui/lobby/lobby.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/lobby/lobby.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/help/tooltips.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/help/tooltips.lua info: Hooked /etc/faf/blacklist.lua with /nomadhook/etc/faf/blacklist.lua info: /country info: /init info: /numgames info: /mean info: /clan info: /deviation info: GPGNET: setting nat handler to 0x137c1004 info: LOBBY: Game port 56831[UDP] opened. info: LOBBY: starting with local uid of 441420 [KegelLeGek] info: GPGNET: entering lobby state. debug: Wavebank prepared: 27d2630 debug: Wavebank prepared: 27d2900 info: { } info: { } info: Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance version Nomads 106 info: DisconnectFromPeer (uid=460183) info: LOBBY: deleting unknown peer uid 460183. info: ConnectToPeer (name=Biodrone, uid=460183, address=, USE PROXY) info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to %CPU_NAME%:61067. info: LOBBY: Adding peer "Biodrone" [%CPU_NAME%:61067, uid=460183] info: NET: using deflate compression for receives from %CPU_NAME%:61067 info: LOBBY: connection to "Biodrone" [%CPU_NAME%:61067, uid=460183] made, status=Pending. info: LOBBY: Got join (name="Biodrone", uid=460183) from %CPU_NAME%:61067 info: { } info: { } info: LOBBY: "Biodrone" [%CPU_NAME%:61067, uid=460183] has established connections to: 441420 info: Hooked /lua/ui/lobby/ainames.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/lobby/ainames.lua info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 1 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Setting army 1 for slot 2 info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 3 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Setting army 2 for slot 4 info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 5 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 6 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 7 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 8 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 9 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 10 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 11 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 12 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 13 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 14 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 15 empty info: >> SendArmySettingsToServer: Slot 16 empty info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua info: Hooked /lua/maui/movie.lua with /nomadhook/lua/maui/movie.lua debug: OpenMovie /movies/seraphim_load.sfd: 6002 debug: Preparing movie /movies/seraphim_load.sfd: 6002 debug: Preparing movie /movies/seraphim_load.sfd: 6002 debug: Preparing movie /movies/seraphim_load.sfd: 6002 debug: Preparing movie /movies/seraphim_load.sfd: 6002 debug: Preparing movie /movies/seraphim_load.sfd: 6002 debug: Preparing movie /movies/seraphim_load.sfd: 6002 debug: Playing movie c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\movies\seraphim_load.sfd: 6002 info: UI_RenderUnitBars true info: UI_NisRenderIcons true info: ren_SelectBoxes true info: Starting background task "Map loader /maps/yoritzius.v0001/yoritzius.scmap" info: Background task "Map loader /maps/yoritzius.v0001/yoritzius.scmap" running. info: Hooked /lua/system/utils.lua with /nomadhook/lua/system/utils.lua info: Active game mods for blueprint loading: \000 info: Hooked /lua/system/Blueprints.lua with /nomadhook/lua/system/Blueprints.lua info: Blueprints Loading... '*.bp' files info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /effects directory info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /env directory info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /meshes directory info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /projectiles directory info: Hooked /projectiles/caananodart01/caananodart01_proj.bp with /nomadhook/projectiles/caananodart01/caananodart01_proj.bp info: Hooked /projectiles/caananodart03/caananodart03_proj.bp with /nomadhook/projectiles/caananodart03/caananodart03_proj.bp info: Hooked /projectiles/caananodart04/caananodart04_proj.bp with /nomadhook/projectiles/caananodart04/caananodart04_proj.bp info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /props directory info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /units directory info: Hooked /units/uaa0103/uaa0103_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/uaa0103/uaa0103_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/uab2108/uab2108_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/uab2108/uab2108_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/uab2305/uab2305_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/uab2305/uab2305_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/ual0001/ual0001_phaseshield_mesh.bp with /nomadhook/units/ual0001/ual0001_phaseshield_mesh.bp info: Hooked /units/ual0001/ual0001_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/ual0001/ual0001_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/ual0202/ual0202_personalshield_mesh.bp with /nomadhook/units/ual0202/ual0202_personalshield_mesh.bp info: Hooked /units/ual0301/ual0301_personalshield_mesh.bp with /nomadhook/units/ual0301/ual0301_personalshield_mesh.bp info: Hooked /units/uas0304/uas0304_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/uas0304/uas0304_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/ueb2108/ueb2108_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/ueb2108/ueb2108_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/ueb2305/ueb2305_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/ueb2305/ueb2305_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/uel0001/uel0001_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/uel0001/uel0001_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/uel0103/uel0103_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/uel0103/uel0103_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/uel0401/uel0401_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/uel0401/uel0401_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/ues0304/ues0304_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/ues0304/ues0304_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/ura0104/ura0104_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/ura0104/ura0104_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/urb2108/urb2108_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/urb2108/urb2108_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/urb2305/urb2305_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/urb2305/urb2305_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/url0103/url0103_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/url0103/url0103_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/url0301/url0301_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/url0301/url0301_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/url0303/url0303_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/url0303/url0303_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/url0402/url0402_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/url0402/url0402_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/urs0201/urs0201_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/urs0201/urs0201_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/urs0304/urs0304_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/urs0304/urs0304_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/xaa0306/xaa0306_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/xaa0306/xaa0306_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/xab3301/xab3301_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/xab3301/xab3301_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/xes0307/xes0307_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/xes0307/xes0307_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/xsb2108/xsb2108_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/xsb2108/xsb2108_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/xsb2305/xsb2305_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/xsb2305/xsb2305_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/xsb2401/xsb2401_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/xsb2401/xsb2401_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/xsl0001/xsl0001_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/xsl0001/xsl0001_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/xsl0103/xsl0103_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/xsl0103/xsl0103_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/xss0201/xss0201_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/xss0201/xss0201_unit.bp info: Hooked /units/xss0302/xss0302_unit.bp with /nomadhook/units/xss0302/xss0302_unit.bp info: Blueprints Extracting mesh... info: Blueprints Modding... warning: Overriding the x axis of collision box of unit ( xno0001 ), it should be atleast 10 percent ( 3 ) of the maximum speed ( 30 ) to guarantee proper functioning beam weapons warning: Overriding the z axis of collision box of unit ( xno0001 ), it should be atleast 10 percent ( 3 ) of the maximum speed ( 30 ) to guarantee proper functioning beam weapons warning: Overriding the size of the collision sphere of unit ( xna0302 ), it should be atleast 10 percent ( 2.7000000476837 ) of the maximum speed ( 27 ) to guarantee proper functioning beam weapons warning: Overriding the x axis of collision box of unit ( xns0203 ), it should be atleast 10 percent ( 0.60000002384186 ) of the maximum speed ( 6 ) to guarantee proper functioning beam weapons warning: Overriding the x axis of collision box of unit ( xno2302 ), it should be atleast 10 percent ( 1 ) of the maximum speed ( 10 ) to guarantee proper functioning beam weapons warning: Overriding the z axis of collision box of unit ( xno2302 ), it should be atleast 10 percent ( 1 ) of the maximum speed ( 10 ) to guarantee proper functioning beam weapons warning: Overriding the size of the collision sphere of unit ( xna0303 ), it should be atleast 10 percent ( 2.2000000476837 ) of the maximum speed ( 22 ) to guarantee proper functioning beam weapons warning: Overriding the x axis of collision box of unit ( xna0001 ), it should be atleast 10 percent ( 2.0499999523163 ) of the maximum speed ( 20.5 ) to guarantee proper functioning beam weapons warning: Overriding the z axis of collision box of unit ( xna0001 ), it should be atleast 10 percent ( 2.0499999523163 ) of the maximum speed ( 20.5 ) to guarantee proper functioning beam weapons info: Blueprints Loading... completed: 711 original, 0 modded, and 31 preset units info: Blueprints Loading... completed: 469 original and 0 modded projectiles info: Blueprints Registering... debug: MEM: -31 bytes RULE info: Hooked /lua/globalInit.lua with /nomadhook/lua/globalInit.lua info: Hooked /lua/system/utils.lua with /nomadhook/lua/system/utils.lua info: Hooked /lua/system/utils.lua with /nomadhook/lua/system/utils.lua info: Hooked /lua/skins/skins.lua with /nomadhook/lua/skins/skins.lua info: /savereplay info: REPLAY ID: 18455143 info: Active mods in session: \000 info: Hooked /lua/UserSync.lua with /nomadhook/lua/UserSync.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/help/tooltips.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/help/tooltips.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/notify/defaultmessages.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/notify/defaultmessages.lua debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes STIMap info: Hooked /lua/TerrainTypes.lua with /nomadhook/lua/TerrainTypes.lua debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes LoadTexturing debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes WaterMask debug: MEM: -12252683 bytes TERRAIN info: Background task "Map loader /maps/yoritzius.v0001/yoritzius.scmap" finished. info: Saving replay to "gpgnet://" debug: MEM: -4194304 bytes LUABP info: Hooked /lua/globalInit.lua with /nomadhook/lua/globalInit.lua info: Hooked /lua/system/utils.lua with /nomadhook/lua/system/utils.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/scenarioutilities.lua with /nomadhook/lua/sim/scenarioutilities.lua info: Hooked /lua/SimSync.lua with /nomadhook/lua/SimSync.lua info: Hooked /lua/ai/platoontemplates/landplatoontemplatessorian.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ai/platoontemplates/landplatoontemplatessorian.lua info: Hooked /lua/ai/aibuilders/aieconomicbuilders.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ai/aibuilders/aieconomicbuilders.lua info: Overwriting builder group: ACUUpgrades info: Hooked /lua/ai/sorianutilities.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ai/sorianutilities.lua info: Hooked /lua/buildingtemplates.lua with /nomadhook/lua/buildingtemplates.lua info: Hooked /lua/utilities.lua with /nomadhook/lua/utilities.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/buff.lua with /nomadhook/lua/sim/buff.lua info: Hooked /lua/ai/aibehaviors.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ai/aibehaviors.lua info: Hooked /lua/game.lua with /nomadhook/lua/game.lua info: Hooked /lua/ai/aibuilders/sorianeconomicbuilders.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ai/aibuilders/sorianeconomicbuilders.lua info: Overwriting builder group: SorianSCUUpgrades info: Hooked /lua/ai/aibuilders/sorianstrategyplatoonbuilders.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ai/aibuilders/sorianstrategyplatoonbuilders.lua info: Overwriting builder group: SorianACUUpgrades - Rush info: Hooked /lua/TerrainTypes.lua with /nomadhook/lua/TerrainTypes.lua debug: MEM: -4194304 bytes OGRID info: Loading save file: \000/maps/yoritzius.v0001/yoritzius_save.lua info: Loading script file: \000/maps/yoritzius.v0001/yoritzius_script.lua info: Hooked /lua/aibrain.lua with /nomadhook/lua/aibrain.lua info: Hooked /lua/aibrainplans.lua with /nomadhook/lua/aibrainplans.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/factorybuildermanager.lua with /nomadhook/lua/sim/factorybuildermanager.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/builder.lua with /nomadhook/lua/sim/builder.lua info: Hooked /lua/wreckage.lua with /nomadhook/lua/wreckage.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/prop.lua with /nomadhook/lua/sim/prop.lua info: Hooked /lua/effectutilities.lua with /nomadhook/lua/effectutilities.lua info: Hooked /lua/abilitydefinition.lua with /nomadhook/lua/abilitydefinition.lua info: Hooked /lua/platoon.lua with /nomadhook/lua/platoon.lua info: Hooked /lua/proptree.lua with /nomadhook/lua/proptree.lua warning: NUM PROPS = 6431 info: Hooked /lua/system/utils.lua with /nomadhook/lua/system/utils.lua debug: Active mods in sim: \000 info: Hooked /lua/defaultunits.lua with /nomadhook/lua/defaultunits.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/unit.lua with /nomadhook/lua/sim/unit.lua info: Hooked /lua/shield.lua with /nomadhook/lua/shield.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/weapon.lua with /nomadhook/lua/sim/weapon.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/defaultweapons.lua with /nomadhook/lua/sim/defaultweapons.lua info: Hooked /lua/sim/collisionbeam.lua with /nomadhook/lua/sim/collisionbeam.lua info: Hooked /lua/armordefinition.lua with /nomadhook/lua/armordefinition.lua info: Hooked /units/xsl0001/xsl0001_script.lua with /nomadhook/units/xsl0001/xsl0001_script.lua info: Hooked /lua/tarmacs.lua with /nomadhook/lua/tarmacs.lua info: Debug: SetPlayableArea before round : 0, 256 1024, 768 info: Debug: SetPlayableArea after round : 0, 256 1024, 768 info: Hooked /lua/simsync.lua with /nomadhook/lua/simsync.lua info: Camera:SyncPlayableRect \000 info: - x0: 0 info: - x1: 1024 info: - y0: 256 info: - y1: 768 info: Request: \000 info: - Name: WorldCamera info: - Region: table: 23912708 info: - x0: 0 info: - x1: 1024 info: - y0: 256 info: - y1: 768 info: - Type: CAMERA_SYNC_PLAYABLE_RECT info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/game/gamemain.lua info: Hooked /lua/maui/movie.lua with /nomadhook/lua/maui/movie.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/missiontext.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/game/missiontext.lua info: Hooked /lua/game.lua with /nomadhook/lua/game.lua info: d3d_WindowsCursor on info: Cam_Free off debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/ debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/ debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/ debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/ debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/ debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/ debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/ debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/ debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/ debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/ debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/ debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/ info: Hooked /lua/ui/controls/worldview.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/controls/worldview.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/unitview.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/game/unitview.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/layouts/unitview_mini.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/game/layouts/unitview_mini.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/unitviewdetail.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/game/unitviewdetail.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/help/unitdescription.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/help/unitdescription.lua info: Hooked /lua/armordefinition.lua with /nomadhook/lua/armordefinition.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/construction.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/game/construction.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/orders.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/game/orders.lua info: Hooked /lua/utilities.lua with /nomadhook/lua/utilities.lua info: Hooked /lua/abilitydefinition.lua with /nomadhook/lua/abilitydefinition.lua info: creating high fidelity terrain info: creating high fidelity water info: range_RenderHighlighted true info: range_RenderSelected true info: range_RenderBuild true info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/layouts/unitviewdetail_mini.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/game/layouts/unitviewdetail_mini.lua info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/taunt.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/game/taunt.lua info: cam_DefaultMiniLOD 1.8 info: creating high fidelity terrain info: creating high fidelity water info: cam_DefaultMiniLOD 0 info: res_AfterPrefetchDelay 100 info: res_PrefetcherActivityDelay 1 info: ui_RenderCustomNames 0 info: UI_ForceLifbarsOnEnemy 0 info: Hooked /lua/keymap/unitkeygroups.lua with /nomadhook/lua/keymap/unitkeygroups.lua info: Hooked /lua/keymap/hotbuild.lua with /nomadhook/lua/keymap/hotbuild.lua info: Hooked /lua/keymap/upgradetab.lua with /nomadhook/lua/keymap/upgradetab.lua info: /savereplay warning: GetResource: Invalid name "" info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback. warning: GetResource: Invalid name "" info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback. warning: GetResource: Invalid name "" info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback. info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167 debug: Current gametime: 00:00:00 info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167 info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167 info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167 info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167 info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167 info: creating high fidelity terrain info: creating high fidelity water info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167 info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167 info: Exe GitSHA: e35f167 info: Hooked /lua/sim/projectile.lua with /nomadhook/lua/sim/projectile.lua info: Hooked /lua/defaultantiprojectile.lua with /nomadhook/lua/defaultantiprojectile.lua info: ui_SelectTolerance 10 info: Hooked /lua/formations.lua with /nomadhook/lua/formations.lua debug: Current gametime: 00:00:30 info: Hooked /lua/formations.lua with /nomadhook/lua/formations.lua debug: Current gametime: 00:01:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:01:30 info: Hooked /lua/ui/dialogs/score.lua with /nomadhook/lua/ui/dialogs/score.lua debug: Current gametime: 00:02:00 debug: Current gametime: 00:02:30 info: UI_Lua import("/lua/ui/uimain.lua").EscapeHandler() info: ren_oblivion true info: ren_ui false info: send Ptr: 8BEE0002 info: send Ptr: 8BEE0002 info: recv Ptr: 8BEE0002 info: Callback packet received, exit sync is over info: GPGNET: setting nat handler to 0x00000000 info: CNetTCPBuf::Read(): recv() failed: WSAEINTR info: Run time: 0h05m29s