profile = { current = 1, profiles = { { Lobby_ACT_Time_Delay = '5', RestrictedCategories = { 'NUKE' }, LastColorFAF = 1, LobbyOpt_AIBuilderNameDebug = 'off', LobbyBackground = 2, SaveGame = 'water122', console_fade_delay = 3, Lobby_ACT_Ratio_Interval = '30', Lobby_ACT_Start_Delay = '5', LastScenario = '/maps/scmp_019/scmp_019_scenario.lua', LobbyOpt_AIMapMarker = 'miss', Last_Op_Selected = { id = 'X1CA_001' }, LobbyOpt_AutoTeams = 'manual', console_font = 'Zeroes Three', range_RenderBuild = true, build_templates = { { templateData = { 9, 9, { 'xeb2402', 59320, 0, 0 } }, name = 'Experimental Satellite System', icon = 'xeb2402' } }, LobbyChangelog = 3720, LoadingFaction = 3, LobbyOpt_Victory = 'domination', Notify_experimentals_disabled = false, Notify_all_disabled = false, LastFaction = 3, LobbyOpt_RestrictedCategories = { 'NUKENAVAL', 'NUKET3DEF', 'NUKET3ML', 'NUKET4ML' }, chat_window = { top = 301, bottom = 768, right = 430, left = 8 }, range_RenderSelected = true, UserKeyMap = { Tab 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['Ctrl-Alt-B'] = 'debug_blingbling', ['Shift-Period'] = 'goto_engineer', ['Shift-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_shift_f5', ['Alt-T'] = 'debug_teleport', ['Shift-R'] = 'shift_repair', ['Ctrl-L'] = 'select_land', ['Ctrl-Alt-W'] = 'debug_render_wireframe', F6 = 'ping_move', ['Ctrl-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_f4', ['Shift-I'] = 'shift_guard', ['Shift-L'] = 'shift_launch_tactical', F12 = 'show_objective_screen', ['Shift-F'] = 'shift_ferry', ['Ctrl-F10'] = 'debug_restart_session', ['Ctrl-Shift-C'] = 'debug_copy_units', ['Ctrl-Alt-F1'] = 'toggle_notify_customiser', ['Shift-Tab'] = 'add_cam_position', ['Ctrl-X'] = 'select_all', ['Ctrl-Shift-S'] = 'select_nearest_naval_factory', ['Alt-DownArrow'] = 'switch_layout_down', ['Ctrl-Alt-O'] = 'debug_grid', ['Ctrl-Shift-6'] = 'fac_group6', L = 'launch_tactical', ['Alt-Q'] = 'debug_show_focus_ui_control', ['Ctrl-Shift-3'] = 'fac_group3', F10 = 'toggle_main_menu', ['Ctrl-V'] = 'cam_free', ['Shift-9'] = 'append_group9', ['Shift-E'] = 'shift_reclaim', ['Ctrl-Shift-W'] = 'debug_weapons', ['Ctrl-Alt-Comma'] = 'debug_graphics_fidelity_0', ['Shift-F6'] = 'debug_create_entity', ['Ctrl-Alt-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_alt_f3', F1 = 'toggle_key_bindings', NumStar = 'reset_game_speed', ['Shift-7'] = 'append_group7', NumSlash = 'show_fps', ['Ctrl-Shift-1'] = 'fac_group1', ['Alt-F2'] = 'debug_create_unit', ['Ctrl-K'] = 'suicide', ['Shift-F3'] = 'debug_scenario_method_shift_f3', ['Shift-6'] = 'append_group6', ['8'] = 'group8', ['Shift-8'] = 'append_group8', ['Ctrl-Shift-8'] = 'fac_group8', ['Ctrl-A'] = 'select_air', ['Alt-Delete'] = 'debug_destroy_units', F9 = 'debug_toggle_log_window', ['Alt-Comma'] = 'select_commander', ['Ctrl-0'] = 'set_group0', ['Alt-V'] = 'debug_skeletons', ['Ctrl-E'] = 'tog_defense', Comma = 'goto_commander', ['Shift-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_shift_f4', ['5'] = 'group5', ['Ctrl-Alt-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_alt_f5', ['Alt-Period'] = 'select_idle_engineer', ['Shift-D'] = 'shift_dive', 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= 'ui_RenderIcons', category = 'ui' }, cycle_unit_types_in_sel = { order = 38, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").CycleUnitTypesInSel()', category = 'selection' }, select_all_land_factories = { order = 51, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory STRUCTURE FACTORY LAND', category = 'selection' }, show_network_stats = { order = 3, action = 'ren_ShowNetworkStats', category = 'ui' }, toggle_shield = { order = 6, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").toggleScript("Shield")', category = 'orders' }, toggle_intelshield = { order = 26, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").toggleIntelShieldScript()', category = 'orders' }, select_all_mex = { order = 31, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory MASSEXTRACTION', category = 'selection' }, toggle_jamming = { order = 8, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").toggleScript("Jamming")', category = 'orders' }, military_overlay = { order = 16, action = 'UI_Lua 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}, select_all_idle_eng_onscreen = { order = 18, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory +inview +idle ENGINEER', category = 'selection' }, select_all_tml = { order = 42, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory STRUCTURE TACTICALMISSILEPLATFORM', category = 'selection' }, select_next_land_factory = { order = 20, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").GetNextLandFactory()', category = 'selection' }, select_gunships = { order = 40, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory AIR GROUNDATTACK', category = 'selection' }, Render_Unit_Bars = { order = 57, action = 'ui_RenderUnitBars', category = 'ui' }, select_inview_idle_mex = { order = 30, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory +inview +idle MASSEXTRACTION', category = 'selection' }, toggle_production = { order = 10, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").toggleScript("Production")', category = 'orders' }, Show_Bandwidth_Usage = { order = 62, action = 'ren_ShowBandwidthUsage', category = 'ui' }, acu_select_cg = { order = 33, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").ACUSelectCG()', category = 'selection' }, toggle_stealth = { order = 11, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").toggleScript("Stealth")', category = 'orders' }, select_next_air_factory = { order = 21, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").GetNextAirFactory()', category = 'selection' }, teleport = { order = 5, action = 'StartCommandMode order RULEUCC_Teleport', category = 'orders' }, select_all_naval_factories = { order = 52, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory STRUCTURE FACTORY NAVAL', category = 'selection' }, select_all_land_exp = { order = 47, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory LAND MOBILE OVERLAYDIRECTFIRE EXPERIMENTAL', category = 'selection' }, Render_SelectionSet_Names = { order = 55, action = 'ui_RenderSelectionSetNames', category = 'ui' }, Kill_All = { order = 61, action = 'KillAll', category = 'orders' }, select_all_t2_podstations = { order = 44, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory STRUCTURE 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BrewLAN extra unit sub-mods; Bubble Tea, Caffe Corretto, and Research and Daiquiris.', copyright = '-62-87 2009-30-128-1092018 Sean Wheeldon', author = 'Balthazar', hookdir = '/hook', version = 2, ui_only = false, name = 'BrewLAN: Additional unit mods', uid = '190261d0-4bb0-11e2-bcSC-BLNEWUNITS02', location = '/mods/brewlan_units/a', shadowdir = '/shadow', icon = '/mods/BrewLAN_Units/A/folder.png', selectable = true }, { exclusive = false, description = "(For all gameversions) Experimental shields with nuclear repulsor technology, so nuke missiles can't penetrate them.", selectable = true, before = { }, hookdir = '/hook', requires = { }, url = '', icon = '/mods/NuclearRepulsorShields/NukRepShield.png', enabled = true, after = { }, shadowdir = '/shadow', author = 'Uveso', uid = '44844B72-6054-3656-0210-D5FA6066FB5E', conflicts = { }, version = 21, requiresNames = { }, location = '/mods/nuclearrepulsorshields', copyright = '2016-2021 Uveso', ui_only = false, name = 'Nuclear Repulsor Shields' }, { exclusive = false, description = 'Adds Aeon like Quantum Resource Generators to all factions.', selectable = true, before = { }, hookdir = '/hook', requires = { }, url = '', icon = '/mods/QuantumResourceGenerators/reactor.png', enabled = true, after = { }, shadowdir = '/shadow', author = 'Uveso', uid = 'D817E8B8-5F40-3656-0170-F37F6166FB5E', conflicts = { }, version = 17, requiresNames = { }, location = '/mods/quantumresourcegenerators', copyright = '2016-2018 Uveso', ui_only = false, name = 'Quantum Resource Generators' }, { exclusive = false, description = 'The ultimate unit pack, re-engineered for FAF 3680 or later', selectable = true, before = { }, ui_only = false, requires = { }, icon = '/mods/BlackOpsFAF-EXUnits/icon.png', enabled = true, after = { }, shadowdir = '/shadow', author = 'Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight', requiresNames = { }, uid = '9e8ee941-c406-4751-b367-e10000019000', conflicts = { }, name = 'BlackOps FAF: EXUnits', copyright = '2009 Exavier Macbeth', special_thanks = 'IceDreamer, Uveso, Softles, Nojoke185, ZephyrWarrior, Raistlfiren, Nocaps, Netjaxx', location = '/mods/blackopsfaf-exunits', hookdir = '/hook', version = 19 }, { exclusive = false, description = 'The ultimate ACU upgrade pack, re-engineered for FAF 3680 or later', selectable = true, hookdir = '/hook', icon = '/mods/BlackOpsFAF-ACUs/icon.png', enabled = true, shadowdir = '/shadow', author = 'Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight - Revamped 2016 by IceDreamer', copyright = '2009 Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight, IceDreamer', conflicts = { '5048d937-4872-4e86-9f09-dd1806a0629c', '9e8ea941-c506-4751-b367-e00000000302', 'aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaab', '9e8ef941-c506-4711-b527-d00000000602', '9e8ef941-c507-4711-b527-d00000000602', '9e8ef941-c806-4711-b527-d00000000602', '9e8ef941-c816-4711-b527-d00000000602', '9e8ef941-c507-4811-b527-d10035800602', '9e8ef941-c527-4811-b527-d10035800602', '9e8ef941-c537-4811-b527-d10035800602', 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Prepare for mayhem!', selectable = true, before = { }, hookdir = '/hook', requires = { }, url = '', icon = '/mods/TotalMayhem/modicon.jpg', enabled = true, after = { }, shadowdir = '/shadow', author = 'Burnie', uid = '62e2j64a-TOMA-3652-01370-146as555a8u3', conflicts = { }, version = 137, requiresNames = { }, location = '/mods/totalmayhem', copyright = 'Burnie', ui_only = false, name = 'Total Mayhem' }, { exclusive = false, description = 'Adds a large number of units and changes a number of existing units.', selectable = true, before = { }, hookdir = '/hook', icon = '/mods/BrewLAN/brewlan.png', enabled = true, after = { }, shadowdir = '/shadow', author = 'Balthazar', uid = '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000084', version = 84, name = 'BrewLAN', location = '/mods/brewlan', copyright = '-62-87 2009-30-128-1092018 Sean Wheeldon', conflicts = { '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-48F3488D85724', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-48F3488D85725', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-48F3488D85726', 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'25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N00004A', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N00004B', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N00004C', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N00004D', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N00004E', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N00004F', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N00004G', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N00004H', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000050', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000051', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000052', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000053', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000054', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000055', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000056', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000057', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000058', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N0000581', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000060', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000070', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000075', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N0000755', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000079', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000080RC1', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000080', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000081FAF', '25D57D85-7D84-27HT-A501-BR3WL4N000082' }, ui_only = false }, { exclusive = false, description = 'The ultimate unit pack, re-engineered for FAF 3680 or later', selectable = true, hookdir = '/hook', icon = '/mods/BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed/icon.bmp', enabled = true, shadowdir = '/shadow', author = 'Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight', copyright = '2009 Exavier Macbeth, lt_hawkeye, orangeknight', conflicts = { }, name = 'BlackOps FAF: Unleashed', uid = '9e8ea941-c306-aaaf-b367-u00000019000', location = '/mods/blackopsfaf-unleashed', special_thanks = 'IceDreamer, Uveso, Softles, Nojoke185, ZephyrWarrior, Raistlfiren, Nocaps, Netjaxx', ui_only = false, version = 19 } }, Name = 'lastGame', MapPath = '/maps/x1mp_012/x1mp_012_scenario.lua', PlayerOptions = { { MEAN = 1500, StartSpot = 1, ArmyColor = 1, PlayerClan = '', NG = 0, Team = 1, Ready = true, PlayerColor = 1, Civilian = false, PlayerName = 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Sorian AI Adaptive)', AIPersonality = 'sorianadaptivecheat', ObserverListIndex = -1, NG = 0, Country = false, Faction = 1, Human = false, PL = 0, PlayerColor = 16, OwnerID = '409365' } }, MapName = 'Debris', GameOptions = { TeamLock = 'locked', CheatsEnabled = 'false', AIBuilderNameDebug = 'off', AIEndlessGameLoop = 'off', ShareUnitCap = 'none', AIPathingDebug = 'off', AIReplacement = 'On', AutoTeams = 'manual', FogOfWar = 'explored', BuildMult = '2.0', RandomMap = 'Off', NoRushOption = 'Off', AIOverwhelmIncrease = 0.025000000372529, Share = 'ShareUntilDeath', Score = 'yes', RevealCivilians = 'Yes', AllowObservers = false, LandExpansionsAllowed = '5', AIMapMarker = 'miss', CivilianAlliance = 'enemy', Timeouts = '-1', TeamSpawn = 'fixed', NavalExpansionsAllowed = '4', GameSpeed = 'adjustable', TMLRandom = '0', Victory = 'domination', AIPLatoonNameDebug = 'off', UnitCap = '500', OmniCheat = 'on', AIOverwhelmDelay = 20, CheatMult = '2.0', PrebuiltUnits = 'Off', AIUnitCap = '0', 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= { order = 57, action = 'ui_RenderUnitBars', category = 'ui' }, select_inview_idle_mex = { order = 30, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory +inview +idle MASSEXTRACTION', category = 'selection' }, toggle_production = { order = 10, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").toggleScript("Production")', category = 'orders' }, Show_Bandwidth_Usage = { order = 62, action = 'ren_ShowBandwidthUsage', category = 'ui' }, acu_select_cg = { order = 33, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").ACUSelectCG()', category = 'selection' }, toggle_stealth = { order = 11, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").toggleScript("Stealth")', category = 'orders' }, select_next_air_factory = { order = 21, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").GetNextAirFactory()', category = 'selection' }, teleport = { order = 5, action = 'StartCommandMode order RULEUCC_Teleport', category = 'orders' }, select_all_naval_factories = { order = 52, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory STRUCTURE FACTORY NAVAL', category = 'selection' }, select_all_land_exp = { order = 47, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory LAND MOBILE OVERLAYDIRECTFIRE EXPERIMENTAL', category = 'selection' }, Render_SelectionSet_Names = { order = 55, action = 'ui_RenderSelectionSetNames', category = 'ui' }, Kill_All = { order = 61, action = 'KillAll', category = 'orders' }, cycle_idle_factories = { order = 37, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").CycleIdleFactories()', category = 'selection' }, show_enemy_life = { order = 2, action = 'UI_ForceLifbarsOnEnemy', category = 'ui' }, select_all_t2_podstations = { order = 44, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory STRUCTURE PODSTAGINGPLATFORM TECH2', category = 'selection' }, select_all_t1_engineers = { order = 53, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory LAND TECH1 ENGINEER', category = 'selection' }, Kill_Selected_Units = { order = 60, action = 'KillSelectedUnits', category = 'orders' }, toggle_intel = { order = 9, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").toggleScript("Intel")', category = 'orders' }, toggle_cloak = { order = 14, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").toggleScript("Cloak")', category = 'orders' }, toggle_repeat_build = { order = 1, action = 'UI_Lua import("/lua/gaz_ui/modules/keymapping.lua").ToggleRepeatBuild()', category = 'orders' } }, SCU_Manager_settings = { SERAPHIM = { Engineer = { 'EngineeringThroughput', 'Shield' }, Combat = { 'DamageStabilization', 'Missile', 'Overcharge' } }, UEF = { Engineer = { 'ResourceAllocation', 'Shield', 'ShieldGeneratorField' }, Combat = { 'HighExplosiveOrdnance', 'AdvancedCoolingUpgrade', 'Shield', 'ShieldGeneratorField' } }, CYBRAN = { Engineer = { 'Switchback', 'ResourceAllocation', 'NaniteMissileSystem' }, Combat = { 'FocusConvertor', 'EMPCharge', 'SelfRepairSystem' } }, AEON = { Engineer = { 'EngineeringFocusingModule', 'ResourceAllocation' }, Combat = { 'StabilitySuppressant', 'Shield', 'ShieldHeavy' } } }, console_font = 'Zeroes Three', Name = 'LOUD', Lobby_Gen_Victory = 2, skin = 'uef', range_RenderBuild = true, console_font_size = 12, WorldCamera_cartographic_mode = false } } } version = { major = 1 } PreGameData = { CurrentMapDir = '/maps/x1mp_012' } Windows = { Log = { y = 0, x = 198, height = 738, width = 666 }, Main = { y = 0, x = 0, height = 991, maximized = true, width = 1889 } } CPUBenchmark = 225 options_overrides = { language = 'US', fidelity = { default = 1, custom = { states = { { text = '', key = 0 }, { text = '', key = 1 }, { text = '', key = 2 } } } }, shadow_quality = { default = 1, custom = { states = { { text = '', key = 0 }, { text = '', key = 1 }, { text = '', key = 2 }, { text = '', key = 3 } } } }, fidelity_presets = { default = 1, custom = { states = { { text = '', key = 0 }, { text = '', key = 1 }, { text = '', key = 2 }, { text = '', key = 4 } } } }, antialiasing = { default = 0, custom = { states = { { text = 'Off', key = 0 }, { text = '2', key = 64 }, { 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{ text = '1920x1080(29)', key = '1920,1080,29' }, { text = '1920x1080(50)', key = '1920,1080,50' }, { text = '1920x1080(60)', key = '1920,1080,60' }, { text = '1920x1080(59)', key = '1920,1080,59' }, { text = '3840x2160(60)', key = '3840,2160,60' }, { text = '1280x800(60)', key = '1280,800,60' }, { text = '1440x900(60)', key = '1440,900,60' }, { text = '1680x1050(59)', key = '1680,1050,59' }, { text = '1680x1050(60)', key = '1680,1050,60' }, { text = '1024x768(48)', key = '1024,768,48' }, { text = '1024x768(120)', key = '1024,768,120' }, { text = '1152x864(48)', key = '1152,864,48' }, { text = '1152x864(120)', key = '1152,864,120' }, { text = '1280x768(48)', key = '1280,768,48' }, { text = '1280x768(120)', key = '1280,768,120' }, { text = '1280x800(48)', key = '1280,800,48' }, { text = '1280x800(120)', key = '1280,800,120' }, { text = '1280x960(48)', key = '1280,960,48' }, { text = '1280x960(120)', key = '1280,960,120' }, { text = '1280x1024(48)', key = '1280,1024,48' }, { text = 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'1280x960(60)', key = '1280,960,60' }, { text = '1280x1024(60)', key = '1280,1024,60' }, { text = '1366x768(60)', key = '1366,768,60' }, { text = '1400x1050(60)', key = '1400,1050,60' }, { text = '1600x900(60)', key = '1600,900,60' }, { text = '1600x1024(60)', key = '1600,1024,60' }, { text = '1280x800(60)', key = '1280,800,60' }, { text = '1440x900(60)', key = '1440,900,60' }, { text = '1680x1050(60)', key = '1680,1050,60' } } } } } active_mods = { }