
  • Announcements regarding our community

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    Hi everyone, as we kick off 2025 we wanted to make you aware of some updates related to the appeal process, an update to the FAF rules page, and the publication of a dedicated information page on the reporting and appeal system.

    TL;DR: see the bottom of this post.

    Improvements to the appeal process

    Decisions by the moderation team, such as bans and mutes, can be appealed. This system is designed for requesting a second evaluation of the decision and correct eventual mistakes or miscommunications. We have previously received feedback on the waiting time of the ban appeal system. Due to how this system was organized, appealing short bans often took longer than the ban itself; less than ideal.

    In order to improve the appeal process, we have adopted a new way of submitting appeals. Where before you were required to send an email, appeals may now be filed through the FAF discord using an appeal-ticket. You can create such a ticket through the #Moderation-support channel in the FAF discord. When submitting a ticket, we ask you to explain why you believe your ban should be reduced or revoked. Your appeal will then be reviewed by at least two moderators who did not handle the original report.

    We have been testing this new system for a few months now, and have been happy to see that appeals get processed much faster. The feedback we’ve received on the new system has also been very positive. To make sure that people who cannot or will not use Discord can file appeals, we will also keep the old email system in place.

    We have created a new webpage that explains this process in detail. There you can find detailed instructions on how to file an appeal, as well as an expanded explanation on how the report and appeal system works.

    Clarification of existing rules

    The FAF rules page is another subject we have received a lot of feedback on. Because of this, we have spent the past months rewriting and reorganizing the page. There have not been any new rules added that were not already moderated previously. The page has been improved by:

    Removing duplicate and/or similar rules Improved organization Clarifying previously not explicitly stated rules Overall update and made rules more clear

    While we do not think it is possible to write a rule set that covers all possible scenarios, we have done our best to remove ambiguity as much as possible. Examples of rules that were not explicitly stated include the ban on political discussion in general chat channels (the decision to moderate was announced in a forum post), and the ban on base CTRL-K (which fell under the vague ‘You will not ruin the game intentionally by any means’ rule).

    Changes to the rules relating to quitting games

    One rule has been changed: the rule relating to leaving games mid-game. As part of our approach to making rules less ambiguous, and given the varying opinions we've heard within the community about leaving games, we have sought the views of the FAF association on what rules to have for people who leave games. The results of these polls have been reflected in the updated rules.

    Previously, leaving games that were not decisively lost was considered a violation of the "do not ruin games" rule. Based on the poll results, players will now only be in breach of this rule if they leave within the first 5 minutes of a match or if they frequently leave games (defined broadly as three or more reported incidents per week). FAQ

    Additionally, we have written a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section on the rules specifically and moderation in general. You may find this FAQ, as well as a section explaining how we determine the duration of a penalty, on the report and appeal system webpage.

    TL;DR Appeals can now be filed faster through Discord using an appeal-ticket system, with reviews handled by at least two moderators. Email appeals remain an option, and the new system has significantly reduced response times. The rules page has been rewritten to improve organization, remove ambiguity, and clarify previously implied rules, like bans on political discussion in chat and base CTRL-K actions. No new rules are added. The rule on quitting games has been changed following a vote by FAF association members. It is now considered a violation only if a game is left within the first 5 minutes or if frequent quitting occurs (3+ times per week). A new FAQ which explains rules, moderation policies, and how penalty durations are determined, is now available on the report and appeal system webpage.

    Thank you to the moderation team for the work with the updates and the community in general for the related discussion and feedback.

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    sign me up - SiilentBug

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    I am not sure.

    I managed to implement a rejoin-like functionality. It allows a player to attempt to rejoin the lobby after X seconds when the lobby did not manage to connect to all peers. It is similar to a player rejoining a custom lobby. See also #6479.

    However, I noticed that the lobby implementation is brittle. The rejoin tends to fail by... crashing the game. And I'm not doing anything special there - when I exit the lobby it occasionally crashes. Maybe that is because I run multiple instances on the same machine, I do not know. At the moment it is disabled.

    If we do want to take this road then I feel we need much more statistics. Grafana (a tool to see how many lobbies there are, etc) recently got back up with thanks to Sheikah and Brutus. We'd need to expand that to track other lobby-related statistics . One of them is the local status of a player. And when a player attempts to rejoin. And whether that succeeded.

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    @Jip yea, as said i'm by no means a programmer, just a modder - i just modify code, thus learnt to understand it a bit and the overall way how things work - but that's it, i only can invision a way it could work, not write it on my own, else i would do. (well, assuming i have the freetime... - and more available than the SteamDeck and my Notebook atm xP (to code AND test - Linux is good enough for day2day IRL Tasks, but not really modding friendly, given most tools are Windoof only -.-#))

    Well, my proposal asumes you can detect, and delay the execution of said signals, trough some AND logic checks, and print their receiving in chat - NOT mess with how they are send! 😉
    But i respect your expertise in this.

    This tread is a Testiment about how Stubborn and Ignorant players are, else it wouldn't be that much of a Problem that it asks for some sort of treatment or solution.
    But they are indeed mostly that way because they want to play and can't wait for a few Minutes on their own xP - but the kind of player that would abuse a Pause with delay to take advantage from or just to annoy everyone else, currently has no power to do so, so we will only get to know them when they have that Power! 😉 (trough a delay/minimum Timeout time)
    Maybe it's near to no Problem at all, only time&experience can tell.

    Well, about the forced duration of the Timeout/Pause - 10-30s is to few and wouldn't prevent Pause wars, just delay them.
    IF the player that initiated the Pause can in fact unpause immediatly and thus mistakes are no issue, i think 2-4min Pause is a good lower target - i personally would vouch for 3min, despite i definitively need longer to answer the doorbell and take&sign a large package - and if you have kids, you know there are things you can't resolve in 3min eighter, but ofc you can't expect ppl to wait much longer than 2-4min - despite pretty much everyone having a smartphone or other device nowadays, you could easily distract yourself for 3-5min! - or do something reasonable and do some sports exercises in the meantime or brew a Tea/Coffee 😉
    And ofc the Person that innitiated can just unpause when being back again. (wich is the much bigger issue with this IMHO! - tho, ofc only when other players use that timeout to do other things afk too!)

    But if the Player that innitiated the Pause is also affected by the delay (to unpause again), then that figure drops down to 1-3min IMHO - 2min being the best compromise, giving enough time for most tasks you might need to use a Pause for, while not forcing an unreasonable timeout.

    I challenge everyone to simulate and measure how much time it would take them to answer the doorbell, get dressed up (like in summer when it's how or in winter when it's cold) and take a package, including signage, and getting back to & rdy at the PC!

  • 3k Topics
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    @Treos thanks, did it with "Create a factory build queue template..." hotkey

  • For people who want to add more stuff to FAF

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    v187 Update
    8 changes, including:

    Fixed a bug that meant bombers weren't sniping ACUs most of the time M28 should consider sniping enemy ACUs for significantly longer than before T1 PD should only 5 wall pieces built around it (instead of 😎 to save a precious 9 mass...


    Radde - Several mapgen replays against v186 M28

    Trophy Award
    Radde, GhillieWolf and Mhad - beating 1.4 resource M28 on a 15km land based mapgen

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